Supported Platforms

The AllJoyn standard core builds and runs on the following platforms. The depth and type of testing for each platform varies, so consult the linked release information for detailed test information.

15.09 release


Platform Core Base Services (planned) Platform Versions Toolchain/IDE
Android X X JB, KK, LP Android SDK, NDK r10e

Language Bindings

The table below lists which language bindings are supported on which platforms for Core and Base Services

Platform C++ C Java Objective-C
Android Core Core Core

15.09 Notes: See the Core 15.09 Release Review for details about the depth of testing on various platforms. Sun Java 7 is required for Java bindings.

15.04 release


Platform Core Base Services (planned) Platform Versions Toolchain/IDE
Windows X X Windows 7 to 10 VS 2012, VS 2013
Android X X JB, KK, LP Android SDK, NDK r9d
iOS X X iOS 8.1 XCode 6.1
OS X X OS X 10.9 XCode 6.1
Linux Ubuntu X X Ubuntu 14.04

Language Bindings

The table below lists which language bindings are supported on which platforms for Core and Base Services

Platform C++ C Java Objective-C
Windows Core, Base Core Core
Android Core, Base Core Core, Base
iOS Core Core, Base
OS X Core
Linux Ubuntu Core, Base Core Core, Base
Open WRT Core, Base Core

15.04 Notes: See the Core 15.04 Release Review for details about the depth of testing on various platforms. Sun Java 7 is required for Java bindings.

14.12 release


Platform Core Base Services Platform Versions Toolchain/IDE
Windows X X Win7, Win8 VS 2013
Android X X ICS, JB, KK Android SDK, NDK r9d
iOS X X iOS 7, iOS 7.1 XCode 6.1
OS X X OS X 10.9 XCode 6.1
Linux Ubuntu X X Ubuntu 14.04

Language Bindings

The table below lists which language bindings are supported on which platforms for Core and Base Services.

Platform C++ C Java Objective-C
Windows Core, Base Core Core
Android Core, Base Core Core, Base
iOS Core Core, Base
OS X Core
Linux Ubuntu Core, Base Core Core, Base
Open WRT Core, Base Core

14.12 Notes: See the Core 14.12 Release Review and Base Services 14.12 Release Review for details about the depth of testing on various platforms. Sun Java 7 is required for Java bindings.

14.06 release


Platform Core Base Services Platform Versions Toolchain/IDE
Windows X Win7, Win8 VS 2012
Android X X GB, ICS, JB, KK Android SDK, NDK r9
iOS X X iOS 7, iOS 7.1 XCode 5.1
OS X X OS X 10.9 XCode 5.1
Linux Ubuntu X X Ubuntu 12.04

Language Bindings

The table below lists which language bindings are supported on which platforms for Core and Base Services.

Platform C++ C C# Unity Java Objective-C
Windows Core Core Core Core
Android Core, Base Core Core Core, Base
iOS Core Core, Base
OS X Core
Linux Ubuntu Core, Base Core Core, Base
Open WRT Core, Base Core

14.06 Notes: See the Core 14.06 Release Review and Base Services 14.06 Release Review for details about the depth of testing on various platforms. Sun Java 7 is required for Java bindings. * Unity 4.x is required for Unity bindings.