Onboarding Interface Definition - 14.02

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This document describes the specification of the AllJoyn™ Onboarding interface. This interface is used by an Onboarder application to provide the Wi-Fi configuration data to another device.


This document is targeted to the developers to build the Onboarding service framework or extend the provided Onboarding service framework codes.


Except for supporting information, the following are reference documents found on the AllSeen Alliance web site's Docs/Downloads section.

Acronyms and terms

Term Definition
AllJoyn device A device that supports the AllJoyn framework and can connect to a personal network.
Onboardee A device that requires credential information to join the personal Wi-Fi network.
Onboarder An application that provides credential information to onboard other device to the personal Wi-Fi network.
Onboarding service framework An AllJoyn service framework on the onboardee that receives Wi-Fi credentials.
Personal AP Personal or home Wi-Fi access point.
Soft AP The device can provide a software-enabled access point.

Specification Overview

The Onboarding interface is implemented by an application on a target device, referred to as an onboardee. A typical onboardee is an AllJoyn™ thin client device. This interface allows the onboarder to send the Wi-Fi credentials to the onboardee to allow it to join the personal access point. Figure 1 illustrates the relationship between an onboardee and an onboarder.


Figure: Onboarding service framework architecture within the AllJoyn framework

Onboarding Call Flows

Onboarding call flow using an Android onboarder

Figure 2 illustrates a call flow for onboarding an onboardee using an Android onboarder.


Figure: Onboarding a device using an Android onboarder

Onboarding call flow using an iOS onboarder

Figure 3 illustrates a call flow for onboarding an onboardee using an iOS onboarder.


Figure: Onboarding a device using an iOS onboarder

Error Handling

The method calls in the Onboarding interface use the AllJoyn error message handling feature (ER_BUS_REPLY_IS_ERROR_MESSAGE) to set the error name and error message.

Table 1 lists the possible errors raised by the Onboarding interface.

Table 1: Onboarding service framework interface errors

Error name Error message
org.alljoyn.Error.OutOfRange Value out of range
org.alljoyn.Error.InvalidValue Invalid value
org.alljoyn.Error.FeatureNotAvailable Feature not available

Onboarding Interface

Interface name

Interface name Version Secured Object path
org.alljoyn.Onboarding 1 yes /Onboarding


Property name Signature List of values Writable Description
Version q Positive integers no Interface version number
State n * 0 - Personal AP Not Configured no The configuration state
* 1 - Personal AP Configured/Not Validated
* 2 - Personal AP Configured/Validating
* 3 - Personal AP Configured/Validated
* 4 - Personal AP Configured/Error
* 5 - Personal AP Configured/Retry
LastError ns 0 - Validated no The last error code and error message. Error_message is the error message received from the underlying Wi-Fi layer.
* 1 - Unreachable
* 2 - Unsupported_protocol
* 3 - Unauthorized
* 4 - Error_message


The following methods are exposed by a BusObject that implements the Onboarding interface.



Parameter name Signature List of values Description
SSID s N/A Access point SSID
passphrase s N/A Access point passphrase in hex format
authType n * -3 - WPA2_AUTO Authentication type.
* -2 - WPA_AUTO *When it is equal to any, the onboardee must attempt all possible authentication types it supports to connect to the AP.
* -1 - Any *When it is equal to -3 or -2 (WPA2_AUTO or WPA_AUTO), the onboardee attempts to connect to the AP with TKIP cipher and then AES-CCMP cipher.
* 0 - Open *WPA_TKIP indicates WPA with TKIP cipher.
* 1 - WEP *WPA2_CCMP indicates WPA2 with AES-CCMP cipher.
* 2 - WPA_TKIP *If the value is invalid, the AllJoyn error code org.alljoyn.Error.OutOfRange will be returned.
* 3 - WPA_CCMP
* 4 - WPA2_TKIP
* 5 - WPA2_CCMP
* 6 - WPS


Return signature Description
n The possible values for the connection result status are:
* 1 - Current SoftAP mode will be disabled upon receipt of Connect. In this case, the Onboarder application must wait for the device to connect on the personal AP and query the State and LastError properties.
* 2 - Concurrent step used to validate the personal AP connection. In this case, the Onboarder application must wait for the ConnectionResult signal to arrive over the AllJoyn session established over the SoftAP link.


Send the personal AP information to the onboardee. When the authType is equal to -1 (any), the onboardee must try out all the possible authentication types it supports to connect to the personal AP.

If authType parameter is invalid, the AllJoyn error code org.alljoyn.Error.OutOfRange will be returned in the AllJoyn method call reply.





This method does not have any reply message. It's a fire-and-forget method call.


Tell the onboardee to connect to the personal AP. It is recommended that the onboardee use the concurrency feature, if it is available.





This method does not have any reply message. It's a fire-and-forget method call.


Tell the onboardee to disconnect from the personal AP, clear the personal AP configuration fields, and start the soft AP mode.





Parameter name Output signature Description
age q Age of the scan information in minutes. It reflects how long ago the scan procedure was performed by the device.
scanList a(sn) Scan list. It's an array of records holding SSID and authType.


Scan all the Wi-Fi access points in the onboardee's proximity.

Some devices may not support this feature. In such a case, the AllJoyn error code org.alljoyn.Error.FeatureNotAvailable will be returned in the AllJoyn response.



Data type Description
ns Connect result code and message. The list of values for the result code is:
* 0 - Validated
* 1 - Unreachable
* 2 - Unsupported_protocol
* 3 - Unauthorized
* 4 - Error_message


This signal is emitted when the connection attempt against the personal AP is completed. The signal is sent over the AllJoyn session established over the SoftAP link.

This signal will be received only if the concurrency feature is supported by the onboardee.

Introspect XML

The following XML defines the Onboarding interface.

<node xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
   <interface name="org.alljoyn.Onboarding">
      <property name="Version" type="q" access="read"/>
      <property name="State" type="n" access="read"/>
      <property name="LastError" type="(ns)" access="read"/>
      <method name="ConfigureWifi">
         <arg name="SSID" type="s" direction="in"/>
         <arg name="passphrase" type="s" direction="in"/>
         <arg name="authType" type="n" direction="in"/>
         <arg name="status" type="n" direction="out"/>
      <method name="Connect">
<annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Method.NoReply" value="true" />
      <method name="Offboard">
         <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Method.NoReply" value="true" />
      <method name="GetScanInfo">
         <arg name="age" type="q" direction="out"/>
         <arg name="scanList" type="a(sn)" direction="out"/>
      <signal name="ConnectionResult">
         <arg type="(ns)" />