Control Panel Interface Definition - 14.02

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This document describes the specification of the Control Panel service framework's collection of interfaces. Implementing these interfaces provides the Control Panel service framework a mechanism to allow for a controller application like the AllJoyn™ On application to render the UI based on the controllee application's widget metadata. The controller application does not know the semantics of the remote widgets. It relies on the end user to understand and perform the actions on the rendered user interface. A typical action is selecting a field or pressing a button.


This document is targeted to developers of AllJoyn applications who want to build controller and controllee applications without using the tools provided by the Control Panel service framework.


Except for supporting information, the following are reference documents found on the AllSeen Alliance web site's Docs/Downloads section.

Acronyms and terms

Term Definition
AllJoyn device A device that supports the AllJoyn framework and can connect to a personal network.
Control panel Collection of Widgets that allow a user to interact with a device. A control panel is defined and announced by a Controllee; and discovered and displayed Control panel by a Controller. A device can have more than one, and can be defined on a per-language basis.
Controllee An AllJoyn application that advertises its Control Panel interfaces, so that other AllJoyn devices may control it.
Controller An AllJoyn application that controls another AllJoyn device that advertises its Control Panel interfaces.

Specification Overview

The Control Panel interfaces must be implemented by an application on a controllee. Figure 1 illustrates the relationship between a controllee app and a controller app.


Figure: Control Panel service framework architecture within the AllJoyn™ framework

The OEM is responsible for writing the Control interfaces and the Control Panel service framework metadata.

The UI Toolkit Adaption Layer, a library used to map the metadata to platform-specific UI elements, is made available as part of the Control Panel service framework release.


Controllees are discovered via an AllJoyn announcement. Each AllJoyn device uses the About feature to announce basic app information like app name, device name, manufacturer, and model number. The announcement also contains the list of object paths and service interfaces to allow the controller to determine whether the controllee provides functionality of interest.

The About announcement is propagated using a sessionless signal.

Call Flows

Static Control Panel flow

Figure 2 illustrates a typical call flow for a control panel that does not change once rendered.


Figure: Static Control Panel call flow

Dynamic Control Panel flow

Figure 3 illustrates a call flow for a control panel that changes as the end user interacts with the widgets.


Figure: Dynamic Control Panel call flow

Error Handling

The method calls in the Control Panel interfaces use the AllJoyn error message handling feature (ER_BUS_REPLY_IS_ERROR_MESSAGE) to set the error name and error message.

Table 1 lists the possible errors raised by the Control Panel service framework interfaces.

Table 1: Control Panel service framework interface errors

Error name Error message
org.alljoyn.Error.OutOfRange Value out of range
org.alljoyn.Error.InvalidState Invalid state
org.alljoyn.Error.InvalidProperty Invalid property
org.alljoyn.Error.InvalidValue Invalid value
org.alljoyn.Error.MethodNotAllowed Method call not allowed

BusObject Map

BusObject structure

Figure 4 shows the tree structure diagram that represents the basic organization of AllJoyn objects used in the support of the Control Panel service framework. A control panel is implemented using several AllJoyn objects.


Figure: BusObject map

The objects are organized to support multiple units and multiple languages. Only the top-level panels should be listed in the announcement.

Since the IETF language tag allows for hyphen (-) which is not allowed in the bus object path, any language tag in the object path replaces a hyphen (-) with an underscore (_).

In addition to the control panels, the Control Panel service framework can also support other panels such as a notification panel. These panels are not required to be advertised in the announcement.

It is the controller's job to introspect and walk the object tree of a control panel to retrieve all the metadata for that control panel.

BusObject map examples

The following subsections illustrate a few sample BusObject map structures.

Washing machine example

Figure 5 illustrates a sample bus object map for a washing machine.


Figure: Washing machine example

Sprinkler system example

Figure 6 illustrates a sample bus object map for a sprinkler system.


Figure: Sprinkler system example

Control Panel Service Framework Interfaces

The Control Panel service framework comprises a set of interfaces as illustrated in Figure 4.

ControlPanel Interface

This interface indicates whether the object is a control panel. This object will support at least one language. The service only needs to advertise this type of object in the About announcement. No other objects in the Control Panel service framework tree should be announced.

NOTE: It's the responsibility of the controller to introspect the children objects to locate the corresponding root container of the given panel for the specific language code.

Interface name

Interface name Version Secured Object path
org.alljoyn.ControlPanel.ControlPanel 1 no /ControlPanel/{unit)/{panelName}
Example: /ControlPanel/washing/consolePanel


Property name Signature List of values Writable Description
Version q Positive integers no Interface version number

Introspect XML

The following XML defines the ControlPanel interface.

<node xmlns:xsi=""
   <interface name="org.alljoyn.ControlPanel.ControlPanel">
      <property name="Version" type="q" access="read"/>

Container Interface

This interface provides all the metadata to guide the controller to render the UI for a container widget.

Interface name Version Secured Object path
org.alljoyn.ControlPanel.Container 1 no /ControlPanel/{unit)/{panelName}/{language}/.../{containerName}
org.alljoyn.ControlPanel.SecuredContainer 1 yes /ControlPanel/{unit)/{panelName}/{language}/.../{containerName}


Property name Signature List of values Writable Description
Version q Positive integers no Interface version number
States u Bit mask no Bit mask for various widget states
Mask / Name / Description
0x01 / enabled / Indicates whether the widget is enabled. A disabled widget should be grayed out or invisible.
OptParams a{qv} N/A no Metadata dictionary. See Container widget metadata for more information.

Container widget metadata

The following table defines the metadata of a container widget.

Dictionary key Field name Value type Description
0 Label s Label
1 bgColor u Background color expressed as RGB value. If not specified, then the background color of the enclosing container is used.
2 layoutHints aq Layout hints. See Container widget layout hints for more information.

Container widget layout hints

The following table lists layout hints for a container widget.

Hint ID Hint name Description
1 Vertical Linear A layout that aligns all components in a vertical direction.
2 Horizontal Linear A layout that aligns all components in a horizontal direction.


No methods are exposed by this interface.


Signal name Parameters Description
MetadataChanged None The metadata has changed. This can occur due to changes in any of the property objects.

Introspect XML

The following XML defines the Container interface.

<node xmlns:xsi=""
   <interface name="org.alljoyn.ControlPanel.Container">
      <property name="Version" type="q" access="read"/>
      <property name="States" type="u" access="read"/>
      <property name="OptParams" type="a{qv}" access="read"/>
      <signal name="MetadataChanged" />

Property Interface

This interface provides the control mechanism for the property widget. Each widget is represented by an AllJoyn object implementing this interface.

Interface name

Interface name Version Secured Object path
org.alljoyn.ControlPanel.Property 1 no /ControlPanel/{unit)/{panel}/{language}/.../{object name}
org.alljoyn.ControlPanel.SecuredProperty 1 yes /ControlPanel/{unit}/{panel}/.../{object name}


Property name Signature List of values Writable Description
Version q Positive integers no Interface version number
States u Bit mask no Bit mask for various widget states
Mask / Name / Description
0x01 / enabled / Indicates whether the widget is enabled. A disabled widget should be grayed out or invisible.
0x02 / writable / Indicates whether the widget is writable.
OptParams a{qv} N/A no Metadata dictionary. See Property widget metadata for more information.
Values v N/A yes Actual value of the property. When modifying the property, the device may give the AllJoyn error org.alljoyn.Error.MethodNotAllowed if the property is ReadOnly. The supported data types are listed in Supported data types.

Property widget metatdata

The following table lists property widget metadata.

Dictionary key Field name Value type Description
0 Label s Label
1 bgColor u Background color expressed as RGB value. If not specified, then the background color of the enclosing container is used.
2 hints aq The widget rendering hints. See Property widget hints for more information.
3 unitOfMeasure s Unit of measurement.
4 constrainToValue a(vs) Constraint on the value as a list of values. Any value of the property must match one of the values in this list. See List of values for more information.
5 range vv Constraint on the value as a range; a value of this property must stay within the range. See Property widget ranges for more information.

Property widget hints

Hint ID Hint name Description
1 Switch Two-state buttons allowing the end-user to toggle the state of a single settings option.
2 CheckBox Widget for multi-select. It allows the end user to select multiple options from a list.
3 Spinner Widget for single-select. It allows the end user to select a single option from a list.
4 RadioButton Widget for single-select. It allows the end user to select a single option from a list.
5 Slider Allows the end user to select a value from a continuous or discrete range. The appearance is linear, either horizontal or vertical.
6 TimePicker Allows the end user to specify a time value.
7 DatePicker Allows the end user to specify a date value.
8 NumberPicker Allows the end user to specify a numeric value
9 NumericKeypad Provides the end user with a numeric entry field and buttons for 0-9 digits, to enter a numeric value. The developer must know the min/max number of digits allowed in the entry field.
10 RotaryKnob An alternate way to represent a slider.
11 TextLabel Read-only text label.
12 NumericView Provides a read-only, numeric field with an optional label and numbers. For example, a washing machine display shows the time remaining for wash is 35:00 minutes.
13 EditText Provides the end user with a text entry field and keyboard. The developer must know the min/max number of letters allowed in the entry field.

Supported data types

The following table lists the data types supported by the Control Panel service framework.

Category Supported data types
Scalar types * BOOLEAN - b
* BYTE - y
* Numeric types:
* INT16 - n
* UINT16 - q
* INT32 - i
* UNT32 - u
* INT64 - x
* UINT64 - t
* DOUBLE - d
* STRING - s
Composite types All composite data type must have the following signature--q(type)--where the first value is an enum value indicating the composite type
Composite type enum / Composite type name / Signature / Description
0 / Date / q(qqq) / Data type per RFC3339. There are three fields: date-mday (1-31); date-month (1-12); and date-fullyear (4-digit year).
1 / Time / q(qqq) / Time type per RFC3339. There are three fields: time-hour (0-23); time-minute (0-59); and time-second (0-59).
Collection of records Array of records of only scalar and supported composite types. All records in the array must be of the same record type.

List of values

A list of values is an array of structs.

Field name Data type Description
Value v Value with the same data type of the property.
Label s Display label.

Property widget ranges

The following table lists Property widget ranges.

Field name Data type Description
min v Minimum value with the same data type as that of the property.
max v Maximum value with the same data type as that of the property.
increment v Value to increment/decrement by. It has the same data type as that of the property.


No methods are exposed by this interface.


Signal name Parameters Description
Name / Data type
ValueChanged newValue / v The property's value has changed.
ValueChanged none The metadata has changed. This can occur due to changes in any of the property objects.

Introspect XML

The following XML defines the Property interface.

<node xmlns:xsi=""
   <interface name="org.alljoyn.ControlPanel.Property">
      <property name="Version" type="q" access="read"/>
      <property name="States" type="u" access="read"/>
      <property name="OptParams" type="a{qv}" access="read"/>
      <property name="Value" type="v" access="readwrite"/>
      <signal name="MetadataChanged" />
      <signal name="ValueChanged">
         <arg type="v"/>

LabelProperty Interface

This interface provides the control mechanism for the label property widget (a text label). Each widget is represented by an AllJoyn object implementing this interface.

Interface name

Interface name Version Secured Object path
org.alljoyn.ControlPanel.LabelProperty 1 no /ControlPanel/{unit}/{panel}/{language}/.../ {object name}


Property name Signature List of values Writable Description
Version q Positive integers no Interface version number
States u Bit mask no Bit mask for various widget states
Mask / Name / Description
0x01 / enabled / Indicates whether the widget is enabled. A disabled widget should be grayed out or invisible.
Label s N/A no Text label
OptParams a{qv} N/A no Metadata dictionary. See LabelProperty widget metadata for more information.

LabelProperty widget metadata

The following table lists LabelProperty widget metadata.

Dictionary key Field name Value type Description
1 bgColor u Background color expressed as RGB value. If not specified, then the background color of the enclosing container is used.
2 hints aq The widget rendering hints. See LabelProperty widget hints for more information.

LabelProperty widget hints

The following table lists LabelProperty widget hints.

Hint ID Hint name Description
1 TextLabel Read-only text label.


No methods are exposed by this interface.


Signal name Parameters Description
MetadataChanged none The metadata has changed. This can occur due to changes in any of the property objects.

Introspect XML

The following XML defines the LabelProperty interface.

<node xmlns:xsi=""
   <interface name="org.alljoyn.ControlPanel.LabelProperty">
      <property name="Version" type="q" access="read"/>
      <property name="States" type="u" access="read"/>
      <property name="Label" type="s" access="read"/>
      <property name="OptParams" type="a{qv}" access="read"/>
      <signal name="MetadataChanged" />

Action Interface

This interface provides the control mechanism for the Action widget. Each Action widget is represented by an AllJoyn object implementing this interface. An action widget can optionally provide a confirmation dialog widget in its object sub-tree to allow for a pop-up dialog to appear whenever the UI presentation of this action is activated. The action taken on the confirmation dialog will take place instead of the Exec() method call for this Action widget.

Interface name

Interface name Version Secured Object path
org.alljoyn.ControlPanel.Action 1 no /ControlPanel/{unit}//{panel}/{language}/.../{object name}
/ControlPanel/{unit}/{panel}/{language}/.../{object name}
org.alljoyn.ControlPanel.SecuredAction 1 yes /ControlPanel/{unit}/{panel}/{language}/.../{object name}


Property name Signature List of values Writable Description
Version q Positive integers no Interface version number
States u Bit mask no Bit mask for various widget states
Mask / Name / Description
0x01 / enabled / Indicates whether the widget is enabled. A disabled widget should be grayed out or invisible.
OptParams a{qv} N/A no Metadata dictionary. See Action widget metadata for more information.

Action widget metadata

The following table lists action widget metadata.

Dictionary key Field name Value type Description
0 label s Label
1 bgColor u Background color expressed as RGB value. If not specified, then the background color of the enclosing container is used.
2 hints aq The widget rendering hints. See Action widget hints for more information.

Action widget hints

The following table lists Action widget hints.

Hint ID Hint name Description
1 ActionButton Button associated with an action or a method call, for example, "submit".








Execute the action command.


Signal name Parameters Description
MetadataChanged none The metadata has changed. This can occur due to changes in any of the property objects.

Introspect XML

The following XML defines the Action interface.

<node xmlns:xsi=""
   <interface name="org.alljoyn.ControlPanel.Action">
      <property name="Version" type="q" access="read"/>
      <property name="States" type="u" access="read"/>
      <property name="OptParams" type="a{qv}" access="read"/>
      <signal name="MetadataChanged" />
      <method name="Exec"/>

NotificationAction Interface

This interface indicates whether the object is a notification action object. A notification object is typically referenced in a notification message. Upon receiving such notification, the controller can generate the notification action panel based on the metadata provided by this type of object. This object is different from a regular control panel since it allows the controllee to send a signal to tell the controller to dismiss the panel.

This object supports at least one language. It's the responsibility of the controller to introspect the children objects to locate the corresponding root container of the given panel for the specific language code.

Interface name

Interface name Version Secured Object path
org.alljoyn.ControlPanel.NotificationAction 1 no /NotificationPanel/{unit}/{actionPanelName}


Property name Signature List of values Writable Description
Version q Positive integers no Interface version number


Signal name Parameters Description
Dismiss none The controller must dismiss this notification panel.

Introspection XML

The following XML defines the NotificationAction interface.

<node xmlns:xsi=""
   <interface name="org.alljoyn.ControlPanel.NotificationAction">
      <property name="Version" type="q" access="read"/>
      <signal name="Dismiss" />

Dialog Interface

This interface provides all the metadata to guide the controller to render the UI for a dialog widget. A dialog widget typically has a message and up to three action buttons.

Interface name

Interface name Version Secured Object path
org.alljoyn.ControlPanel.Dialog 1 no /ControlPanel/{unit)/{panelName}/{language}/.../{dialogName}
org.alljoyn.ControlPanel.SecuredDialog 1 yes /ControlPanel/{unit}/{panel}/{language}/.../{dialogName}


Property name Signature List of values Writable Description
Version q Positive integers no Interface version number
States u Bit mask no Bit mask for various widget states
Mask / Name / Description
0x01 / enabled / Indicates whether the widget is enabled. A disabled widget should be grayed out or invisible.
OptParams a{qv} N/A no Metadata dictionary. See Dialog widget metadata for more information.
Message q N/A no Display message.
NumActions q 1-3 no Number of available actions.

Dialog widget metadata

The following table lists Dialog widget metadata.

Dictionary key Field name Value type Description
0 label s Label or title of the dialog.
1 bgColor u Background color expressed as RGB value. If not specified, then the background color of the enclosing container is used.
2 hints aq Layout hints. See Dialog widget layout hints for more information.
6 labelAction1 s Label of the action1 widget.
7 labelAction2 s Label of the action2 widget.
8 labelAction3 s Label of the action3 widget.

Dialog widget layout hints

The following table lists Dialog layout hints.

Hint ID Hint name Description
1 AlertDialog Widget that combines a label, text data, and buttons in a single dialog box. A minimum of 1 button is required. A maximum of 3 buttons is supported.








Execute the action number 1.







Execute the action number 2. If the NumActions property is less than 2, the org.alljoyn.Error.MethodNotAllowed error will be raised.







Execute the action number 3. If the NumActions property is less than 3, the org.alljoyn.Error.MethodNotAllowed error will be raised.


Signal name Parameters Description
MetadataChanged none The metadata has changed. This can occur due to changes in any of the property objects.

Introspection XML

The following XML defines the Dialog interface.

<node xmlns:xsi=""
   <interface name="org.alljoyn.ControlPanel.Dialog">
      <property name="Version" type="q" access="read"/>
      <property name="States" type="u" access="read"/>
      <property name="OptParams" type="a{qv}" access="read"/>
      <property name="Message" type="s" access="read"/>
      <property name="NumActions" type="q" access="read"/>
      <signal name="MetadataChanged" />
      <method name="Action1"/>
      <method name="Action2"/>
      <method name="Action3"/>

ListProperty Interface

This interface provides the control mechanism for the list property widget. A list property widget holds a list of records and a container representing the UI of the record display/input form.

Interface name

Interface name Version Secured Object path
org.alljoyn.ControlPanel.ListProperty 1 no /ControlPanel/{unit}/{language}/{panel}/{object name}
org.alljoyn.ControlPanel.SecuredListProperty 1 yes /ControlPanel/{unit}/{language}/{panel}/.../{object name}


Property name Signature List of values Writable Description
Version q Positive integers no Interface version number
States u Bit mask no Bit mask for various widget states
Mask / Name / Description
0x01 / enabled / Indicates whether the widget is enabled. A disabled widget should be grayed out or invisible.
OptParams a{qv} N/A no Metadata dictionary. See ListProperty widget metadata for more information.
Value a{qs} N/A no List of records. Each record in the list holds the following fields:
* recordID (q): the record ID
* label (s): the label to display on the list
The record data are not exposed in this property. The View() method call can be used to view each record.

ListProperty widget metadata

The following table lists ListProperty widget metadata.

Dictionary key Field name Value type Description
0 label s Label
1 bgColor u Background color expressed as RGB value. If not specified, then the background color of the enclosing container is used.
2 hints aq Widget rendering hints. See ListProperty widget hints for more information.

ListProperty widget hints

The following table lists ListProperty widget hints.

Hint ID Hint name Description
1 DynamicSpinner Widget that allows the end user to select an option from a list, add a new option, delete an option, and update an option.








Prepare the input form for adding a new record to the list. UI requirements follow:



Parameter name Signature Description
recordID q The record ID.




Prepare the form for view the record prior to the delete action. UI requirements follow: The controller must present an OK button and tie it to the Confirm() method call. A confirm action deletes the record from the list. The controller must present a Cancel button and tie to the Cancel() method call to allow for discarding the operation.



Parameter name Signature Description
recordID q The record ID.




Prepare the display form to view the record identified by the recordID.

The controller must present an OK button to dismiss the view form.



Parameter name Signature Description
recordID q The record ID.




Prepare the input form to view the record identified by the recordID and allow the end user to modify the fields. UI requirements follow:







Confirm the action and save the change requested.

The controller must present an OK button to dismiss the view form.







Cancel the current action.

The controller must present a Cancel button to dismiss the input form.


Signal name Parameters Description
ValueChanged none The property's value has changed. Because the list data can be large, the signal does not send the current value.
MetadataChanged none The metadata has changed. This can occur due to changes in any of the property objects.

Introspect XML

The following XML defines the ListProperty interface.

<node xmlns:xsi=""
   <interface name="org.alljoyn.ControlPanel.ListProperty">
      <property name="Version" type="q" access="read"/>
      <property name="States" type="u" access="read"/>
      <property name="OptParams" type="a{qv}" access="read"/>
      <property name="Value" type="a(qs)" access="read"/>
      <method name="Add"/>
      <method name="Delete">
         <arg name="recordID" type="q" direction="in"/>
      <method name="View">
         <arg name="recordID" type="q" direction="in"/>
      <method name="Update">
         <arg name="recordID" type="q" direction="in"/>
      <method name="Confirm">
      <method name="Cancel">

      <signal name="MetadataChanged"/>
      <signal name="ValueChanged"/>

Support of Existing HTTP Control Pages

Should a device already have HTTP control pages hosted on the device itself, it can advertise those pages using the HTTPControl interface.

This interface provides all the information about the hosted HTTP control pages on the device.

Interface name

Interface name Version Secured Object path
org.alljoyn.ControlPanel.HTTPControl 1 no /Control/{unit}/HTTPControl


Property name Signature List of values Writable Description
Version q Positive integers no Interface version number






Return signature Description
s Root URL of the control pages.


There is no signal in this interface.

Introspection XML

The following XML defines the HTTPControl interface.

<node xmlns:xsi=""
   <interface name="org.alljoyn.Control.HTTPControl">
      <property name="Version" type="q" access="read"/>
      <method name="GetRootURL">
         <arg name="url" type="s" direction="out"/>