Configuration Interface Definition - 14.02

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Go here for latest Configuration Interface Definition



This document provides the specification for the AllJoyn™ Config interface. The Config interface is a secure interface that provides the functionality to perform device-specific configuration and actions. It is expected that an OEM's developed application for the device (referred to as System App) will bundle this service framework.


This document is targeted for OEMs who develop AllJoyn-enabled applications that configure and perform device specific actions. This interface specification is useful if the OEMs intend to develop or extend the Configuration service framework on their own.


Except for supporting information, the following are reference documents found on the AllSeen Alliance web site's Docs/Downloads section.

Specification Overview

The Configuration service framework exposes device-specific methods such as restart and factory reset, device passcode, and device-specific settable attributes such as friendly name and default language. It is expected that OEM of the device would take this service framework and bundle it with a single application (system app). The enforcement of singleton instance of the Configuration service framework must be performed using explicit guidelines provided to OEMs and application developers regarding the usage of the Configuration service framework.

Figure 1 illustrates the relationship between software stack on the device hosting the AllJoyn service framework and the device hosting the AllJoyn client application.


Figure: Configuration service framework architecture within the AllJoyn framework

Figure 1 describes the scope of Configuration service framework and About feature in a multiple applications-per-device scenario. The following system behavior should be noted:

Typical Call Flows

This section highlights call flows that involve the Configuration service framework. The system app on the AllJoyn service framework device is involved in these call flows.

Device configuration change

Figure 2 illustrates a sample call flow where an Alljoyn app executing on an AllJoyn client device discovers the Configuration service framework via announcement and subsequently performs methods as specified in the Config interface to retrieve and update configuration data. See Config Interface for complete details.


Figure: Device configuration change call flow

Factory reset

Figure 3 illustrates a sample call flow where an Alljoyn app executing on an AllJoyn client device discovers the Configuration service framework via announcement, and subsequently performs methods as specified in the Config interface to retrieve the configuration data and perform factory reset action if needed. See Config Interface for complete details.


Figure: Device factory reset call flow

Error handling

The method calls in the Config interface use the AllJoyn error message handling feature (ER_BUS_REPLY_IS_ERROR_MESSAGE) to set the error name and error message.

Table 1 lists the possible errors raised by the Config interface.

Table 1. Configuration service framework interface errors

Error name Error message
org.alljoyn.Error.InvalidValue Invalid value
org.alljoyn.Error.FeatureNotAvailable Feature not available
org.alljoyn.Error.LanguageNotSupported The language specified is not supported

Config Interface

Interface name

Interface name Version Secured Object path
org.alljoyn.Config 1 yes /Config


Property name Signature List of values Writable Description
Version q Positive integers no Interface version number


The following methods are exposed by the object that implements the org.alljoyn.Config interface.







Direct the device to disconnect from the personal AP, clear all previously configured data, and start the softAP mode.

Some devices may not support this feature. In such a case, the error org.alljoyn.Error.FeatureNotAvailable will be returned in the AllJoyn response.



Parameter name Signature List of values Description
daemonRealm s N/A Identifies the daemon's identity for secure access. This parameter is currently ignored by the Configuration service framework.
newPasscode s N/A Passphrase that will be utilized for the secure Config interface.




Update the passcode to be used for the org.alljoyn.Config interface which is secure. The default passcode is 000000 until it is overwritten by SetPasscode method.



Parameter name Signature List of values Description
languageTag s IETF language tags specified by RFC 5646 Language tag used to retrieve Config fields.


Parameter name Return signature Description
configData a{sv} Returns configuration fields in the form of dictionary. See Configuration map fields for the default set of Configuration map fields.


Return all the configurable fields specified within the scope of the Config interface.

Error handling regarding the input parameter:



Parameter name Signature List of values Description
languageTag s IETF language tags specified by RFC 5646 Identifies the language tag.
configMap a{sv} See Configuration map fields Set of configuration fields being updated.




Provide a mechanism to update the configuration fields. Whenever there is an error in updating the value for a specific field in the configMap, the error org.alljoyn.Error.InvalidValue will be returned. The error message will contain the field name of the invalid field. If a language tag is not supported by the device, the error org.alljoyn.Error.LanguageNotSupported is returned.



Parameter name Signature List of values Description
languageTag s IETF language tags specified by RFC 5646 Identifies the language tag.
fieldList as N/A List of fields or configuration items that are being reset.




Provide a mechanism to reset (i.e., value is restored to factory default but the field itself is retained) values of configuration fields.

Configuration map fields

Table 2 lists the known configuration fields that are part of the configMap parameter fields. The OEM or application developer can add additional fields.

Table 2: configMap parameter fields

Field name Required Localized Signature Description
DefaultLanguage yes no s Default language supported by the device. IETF language tags specified by RFC 5646.
* If the parameter is not set as per the RFC, the error org.alljoyn.Error.InvalidValue is returned.
* If a language tag is not supported by the device, the error org.alljoyn.Error.LanguageNotSupported is returned.
In this case, the default language on the device is unchanged.
DeviceName no yes s Device name assigned by the user. The device name appears on the UI as the friendly name of the device.

Introspection XML

<node name="/Config" xmlns:xsi="" 

   <interface name="org.alljoyn.Config">
      <property name="Version" type="q" access="read"/>
      <method name="FactoryReset">
         <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Method.NoReply" value="true"/>
      <method name="Restart">
         <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Method.NoReply" value="true"/>
      <method name="SetPasscode">
         <arg name="daemonRealm" type="s" direction="in"/>
         <arg name="newPasscode" type="ay" direction="in"/>
      <method name="GetConfigurations">
         <arg name="languageTag" type="s" direction="in"/>
         <arg name="configData" type="a{sv}" direction="out"/>
      <method name="UpdateConfigurations">
         <arg name="languageTag" type="s" direction="in"/>
         <arg name="configMap" type="a{sv}" direction="in"/>
      <method name="ResetConfigurations">
         <arg name="languageTag" type="s" direction="in"/>
         <arg name="fieldList" type="as" direction="in"/>