Build an Application Using the Thin Library

Obtain the sample app

Refer to the target platform documentation for instructions to download the sample apps.

Reference code

The reference code consists of a module that implements the main function and a module the implements the services handlers.

Sample app modules

Module Description
AboutSample About sample code. Includes provisioning and business logic related to the About feature.
ConfigSample Configuration service framework sample code. Includes provisioning and business logic that exercises the service's developers' API.
ControlPanelSample ControlPanel service framework sample code. Includes provisioning and business logic that exercises the service's developers' API.
ControlPanelGenerated ControlPanel service framework sample generated controllee model.
ControlPanelProvided ControlPanel Service Framework sample provisioned controlee business logic that interacts with the generated model.
PropertyStore PropertyStore implementation code; this supports all core services.
ServerSample Main function for service application and provisioning code for all service frameworks.
ServicesHandlers Sample code for services handlers.
SimpleNotificationProducerSample Notification service framework sample Producer sample code. Includes provisioning and business logic that exercises the producer's developers' API.
SimpleNotificationConsumerSample Notification Service Framework simple Consumer sample code. Includes provisioning and business logic that exercises the consumer's developers' API.

Build a Thin Library server app

Perform the following steps at a high level to build a Thin Library server app.

  1. Create the base for the AllJoyn™ application.
  2. Call services handlers.
  3. Implement the PropertyStore. See the About API Guide for instructions.
  4. Implement remote callbacks.
  5. (Optional) Integrate the Configuration service framework with an AuthListener.

Server sample app walkthrough

The sample app sends an Announce signal with the About interfaces, other registered servicess interfaces, and the information stored in the PropertyStore. Depending on the service frameworks included in the compilation, the application can then send a notification, enable onboarding, store configuration in NVRAM, or act as a Control Panel device. The specific functionality of each service framework is covered in the appropriate service framework's API Guide.

See the appropriate API Guide for the service framework you are working with.

Implementing a Thin Library Server App

Create the base for the AllJoyn application

See the About API Guide for more information.

Initialize the AllJoyn framework


Initialize the PropertyStore


Initialize the About feature

AJ_AboutSetIcon(aboutIconMimetype, aboutIconContent, aboutIconContentSize, aboutIconUrl);

Initialize each included service framework

The initialization of the service typically calls the corresponding Start method of the service's API passing the relevant settings and callbacks that integrate the service within the overall application provisioning and business logic.

#ifdef CONFIG_SERVICE Config_Init();
#ifdef NOTIFICATION_SERVICE_PRODUCER NotificationProducer_Init();
#ifdef NOTIFICATION_SERVICE_PRODUCER NotificationConsumer_Init();
#ifdef CONTROLPANEL_SERVICE Controllee_Init();

Set bus authentication password callback


Refer to the API Reference Manual for the SetBusAuthPwdCallback method.

Create main loop

static uint8_t isBusConnected = FALSE; static AJ_BusAttachment busAttachment;
   AJ_Status status;
while (TRUE) {
   AJ_Message msg;
   status = AJ_OK;
Connect to the AllJoyn bus
if (!isBusConnected) {
status = AJSVC_RoutingNodeConnect(&busAttachment, "org.alljoyn.BusNode",
      if (!isBusConnected) { // Failed to connect to Routing Node?
         continue; // Retry establishing connection to Routing Node.
Set up the relevant bus authentication listener callback (optional)

In cases where your code uses secured methods, you will need to register the relevant authentication listener callback. Inclusion of the Configuration service framework and/or enabling security in the Control Panel service framework implies your code uses secured methods.

The sample applications typically set up a shared secret-based mechanism that requires a password callback as follows:

/* Setup password based authentication listener for secured peer-to-peer connections */
AJ_BusSetPasswordCallback(&busAttachment, PasswordCallback);
Set up remote access to the services and publish their capabilities
status = AJApp_ConnectedHandler(&busAttachment, AJAPP_MAX_INIT_ATTEPTS, AJAPP_SLEEP_TIME);

After the connection has been made, perform the following steps to ensure the service frameworks function successfully (these are encapsulated in the call AJApp_ConnectedHandler() shown above).

  1. Initialize the individual services. Upon successful connection to the routing node, each service must set up a dedicated session port or register signal matching rule(s).
  2. Bind the session port. This enables the creation of sessions.

c #define APP_SERVICE_PORT 900 AJ_BusBindSessionPort(&busAttachment, APP_SERVICE_PORT, NULL, 0);

  1. Advertise the unique name of the message bus. This allows other applications to locate and track this device.

c AJ_BusAdvertiseName(&busAttachment, AJ_GetUniqueName(&busAttachment), AJ_TRANSPORT_ANY, AJ_BUS_START_ADVERTISING);

  1. Initialize the About feature with the session port. The About announcement will include the port, other metadata, and a description of the registered bus objects that are flagged as announced.

c AJ_AboutInit(&busAttachment, APP_SERVICE_PORT);

Continue main loop

After the connection is established and the AllJoyn services application layer is initialized, continue with main loop. Perform the following tasks:

status = AJ_AboutAnnounce(&busAttachment);
if (status == AJ_OK) {
   status = AJ_UnmarshalMsg(&busAttachment, &msg, 1000);
   isUnmarshalingSuccessful = (status == AJ_OK);

   if (status == AJ_ERR_TIMEOUT) {
      if (AJ_ERR_LINK_TIMEOUT == AJ_BusLinkStateProc(&busAttachment)) {
          status = AJ_ERR_READ; // something's not right. force disconnect
      } else { // nothing on bus, do our own thing

   if (isUnmarshalingSuccessful) {
      service_Status = AJApp_MessageProcessor(&msg, &status);
      if (service_Status == SERVICE_STATUS_NOT_HANDLED) {
         //Pass to the built-in bus message handlers status = AJ_BusHandleBusMessage(&msg);

   //Unmarshaled messages must be closed to free resources
Graceful disconnect from the AllJoyn bus and end of loop

During the message processing the connection may be lost by external disconnection of the router or the Wi-Fi network. This is designated by the status value AJ_ERR_READ returned by any of the AllJoyn message handling calls in the following sections:

Depending on the severity of an error received by the app or the logic of the app, the application and services' business logic must perform a graceful soft disconnect from the Wi-Fi router. In other cases, a hard disconnect that reboots the hardware and resets the Wi-Fi network is required. These are indicated respectively by status values AJ_ERR_RESTART and AJ_ERR_RESTART_APP returned by any of the AllJoyn message handling calls in the sections listed above.

if (status == AJ_ERR_READ || status == AJ_ERR_RESTART ||
    status == AJ_ERR_RESTART_APP) {
   if (isBusConnected) {
      forcedDisconnnect = (status != AJ_ERR_READ);
         rebootRequired = (status == AJ_ERR_RESTART_APP);
         AJApp_DisconnectHandler(&busAttachment, forcedDisconnect);
         AJSVC_RoutingNodeDisconnect(&busAttachment, forcedDisconnnect,
            AJAPP_SLEEP_TIME, AJAPP_SLEEP_TIME, &isBusConnected);
   if (status == AJ_ERR_RESTART_APP) { AJ_Reboot();

When the connection is about to be lost, perform the following steps to ensure the services clean up any state established with the Wi-Fi router (these are encapsulated in the call AJApp_DisconnectHandler() above):

  1. Stop advertising the current unique name of the message bus.

c AJ_BusAdvertiseName(busAttachment, AJ_GetUniqueName(busAttachment), AJ_TRANSPORT_ANY, AJ_BUS_STOP_ADVERTISING, 0); 2. Unbind the session port.

c AJ_BusUnbindSession(busAttachment, AJ_ABOUT_SERVICE_PORT);

  1. Set the flag so that an Announcement will be sent upon reconnect to a Wi-Fi router.

c AJ_AboutSetShouldAnnounce();

Create service framework handlers

The service framework handlers are service functionality that must be called at a specific time in the main loop.

Connected handler

After the router is connected, and before performing the application connected handlers, the individual registered services connected handlers are called. Complete the steps outlined in Initialize the AllJoyn framework through Connect to the AllJoyn bus.

NOTE: This must occur before a peer has connected or a service framework API is executed to publish information or send information.

AJ_Status AJSVC_ConnectedHandler(AJ_BusAttachment* busAttachment)
AJ_BusSetPasswordCallback(&busAttachment, PasswordCallback);
/* Configure timeout for the link to the daemon bus */
   AJ_SetBusLinkTimeout(&busAttachment, 60); // 60 seconds AJ_Status status = AJ_OK;
do {
   if (status == AJ_OK) {
      status = AJCFG_ConnectedHandler(busAttachment);
   if (status == AJ_OK) {
      status = AJNS_Producer_ConnectedHandler(busAttachment);
   if (status == AJ_OK) {
      status = AJCPS_ConnectedHandler(busAttachment);
   if (status == AJ_OK) {
      status = AJNS_Consumer_ConnectedHandler(busAttachment);
   return status;
   } while (0);
   AJ_Printf("Service ConnectedHandler returned an error %s\n",

Message processor

When the AllJoyn framework receives a message from the connected message bus, it must be processed and handled. The processing of an incoming message is performed in a chain of common services, as well as with the application and individual services' message processors. Each message processor evaluates the message, delegates its handling if relevant, and returns whether it handled the message or not. The incoming message is returned by a call to AJ_UnmarshalMsg().

AJ_Message msg;
AJ_Status status = AJ_UnmarshalMsg(&busAttachment, &msg, 1000);
   serviceStatus = AJApp_MessageProcessor(&busAttachment, &msg, &status);

At the conclusion of the processing chain after calling AJApp_MessageProcessor(), any unprocessed messages are processed by the default AllJoyn message processor.

   //Pass to the built-in bus message handlers status = AJ_BusHandleBusMessage(&msg);
Common services manager processor

The common services message processor handles common services' messages that deal with session establishment and teardown. It delegates the processed message to the relevant registered services.

AJSVC_ServiceStatus AJSVC_MessageProcessorAndDispatcher(AJ_BusAttachment*
   AJ_Message* msg, AJ_Status* status)
   AJSVC_ServiceStatus serviceStatus = AJSVC_SERVICE_STATUS_NOT_HANDLED;

      { // Process all incoming replies to join a session and
         pass session state change to all services uint32_t replyCode = 0;
      uint32_t sessionId = 0;
      uint8_t sessionJoined = FALSE;
      uint32_t joinSessionReplySerialNum = msg->replySerial;
      if (msg->hdr->msgType == AJ_MSG_ERROR) { AJ_AlwaysPrintf(("JoinSessionReply: AJ_METHOD_JOIN_SESSION:
      *status = AJ_ERR_FAILURE;
   } else {
      *status = AJ_UnmarshalArgs(msg, "uu", &replyCode, &sessionId);
      if (*status != AJ_OK) {
         AJ_AlwaysPrintf(("JoinSessionReply: failed to unmarshal\n"));
      } else {
         if (replyCode == AJ_JOINSESSION_REPLY_SUCCESS) { AJ_AlwaysPrintf(("JoinSessionReply:
AJ_JOINSESSION_REPLY_SUCCESS with sessionId=%u and replySerial=%u\n", sessionId, joinSessionReplySerialNum));
      sessionJoined = TRUE;
      } else {
         AJ_AlwaysPrintf(("JoinSessionReply: AJ_ERR_FAILURE\n"));
         *status = AJ_ERR_FAILURE;
if (sessionJoined) {
   serviceStatus = SessionJoinedHandler(busAttachment, sessionId, joinSessionReplySerialNum);
   } else {
      serviceStatus = SessionRejectedHandler(busAttachment, sessionId, joinSessionReplySerialNum, replyCode);
      if (serviceStatus == AJSVC_SERVICE_STATUS_NOT_HANDLED) { AJ_ResetArgs(msg);
   } else if (msg->msgId == AJ_SIGNAL_SESSION_LOST || msg->msgId == AJ_SIGNAL_SESSION_LOST_WITH_REASON) {
      // Process all incoming LeaveSession replies and lost session signals and pass session state change to all services
      uint32_t sessionId = 0;
      uint32_t reason = 0;
      if (msg->msgId == AJ_SIGNAL_SESSION_LOST_WITH_REASON) {
         *status = AJ_UnmarshalArgs(msg, "uu", &sessionId, &reason);
      } else {
         *status = AJ_UnmarshalArgs(msg, "u", &sessionId);
      if (*status != AJ_OK) {
         AJ_AlwaysPrintf(("JoinSessionReply: failed to marshal\n"));
      } else {
         AJ_AlwaysPrintf(("Session lost: sessionId = %u, reason = %u\n", sessionId, reason));
         serviceStatus = SessionLostHandler(busAttachment, sessionId, reason);

         if (serviceStatus == AJSVC_SERVICE_STATUS_NOT_HANDLED) { AJ_ResetArgs(msg);
   } else {
      if (serviceStatus == AJSVC_SERVICE_STATUS_NOT_HANDLED) {
         serviceStatus = AJCFG_MessageProcessor(busAttachment, msg, status);
      if (serviceStatus == AJSVC_SERVICE_STATUS_NOT_HANDLED) {
         serviceStatus = AJOBS_MessageProcessor(busAttachment, msg, status);
      if (serviceStatus == AJSVC_SERVICE_STATUS_NOT_HANDLED) {
      serviceStatus = AJNS_Producer_MessageProcessor(busAttachment, msg,
      if (serviceStatus == AJSVC_SERVICE_STATUS_NOT_HANDLED) {
         serviceStatus = AJNS_Consumer_MessageProcessor(busAttachment, msg,
      if (serviceStatus == AJSVC_SERVICE_STATUS_NOT_HANDLED) {
         serviceStatus = AJCPS_MessageProcessor(busAttachment, msg, status);
   return serviceStatus;
Common (service-side) message processor

Service-side services such as the Notification service framework's Producer, are delegated to check whether incoming requests for joining a session is targeted at it.

uint8_t AJSVC_CheckSessionAccepted(uint16_t port,
   uint32_t sessionId, char* joiner)
   uint8_t session_accepted = FALSE;
   session_accepted |= AJNS_Producer_CheckSessionAccepted(port, sessionId, joiner);

   session_accepted |= AJCPS_CheckSessionAccepted(port, sessionId, joiner);
   return session_accepted;
Common (client-side) message processor

Client-side services such as the Notification service framework's Consumer, are delegated the replies to join session requests and session lost signals.

   busAttachment, uint32_t sessionId, uint32_t replySerialNum)
   AJSVC_ServiceStatus serviceStatus = AJSVC_SERVICE_STATUS_NOT_HANDLED;

   if (serviceStatus == AJSVC_SERVICE_STATUS_NOT_HANDLED) {
      serviceStatus = AJNS_Consumer_SessionJoinedHandler(busAttachment, sessionId, replySerialNum);

   return serviceStatus;

static AJSVC_ServiceStatus
   busAttachment, uint32_t sessionId, uint32_t replySerialNum, uint32_t replyCode)
   AJSVC_ServiceStatus serviceStatus = AJSVC_SERVICE_STATUS_NOT_HANDLED;

   if (serviceStatus == AJSVC_SERVICE_STATUS_NOT_HANDLED) {
      serviceStatus = AJNS_Consumer_SessionRejectedHandler(busAttachment, replySerialNum, replyCode);

   return serviceStatus;

static AJSVC_ServiceStatus
   busAttachment, uint32_t sessionId, uint32_t reason)
   AJSVC_ServiceStatus serviceStatus = AJSVC_SERVICE_STATUS_NOT_HANDLED;

   if (serviceStatus == AJSVC_SERVICE_STATUS_NOT_HANDLED) {
      serviceStatus = AJNS_Consumer_SessionLostHandler(busAttachment, sessionId, reason);

   return serviceStatus;
Common application message processors

The application message processor is responsible for delegating any incoming message to all the relevant message processors. AJApp_MessageProcessor (provided below) performs the following tasks:

  1. Identifies incoming session requests and delegates the requests to the message processors in the relevant services via a call to AJSVC_CheckSessionAccepted method. See Common services manager processor.
  2. Identify and handle any replies to the service initialization requests sent in AJSVC_ConnectedHandler method. See Connected handler.
  3. Pass any other messages to the common services' message processor AJSVC_MessageProcessorAndDispatcher method which identifies service-related messages and handles them. See Common (service-side) message processor.
AJSVC_ServiceStatus AJApp_MessageProcessor(AJ_BusAttachment* busAttachment,
   AJ_Message* msg, AJ_Status* status)
   AJSVC_ServiceStatus serviceStatus = AJSVC_SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLED;
   uint16_t port;
   char* joiner;
   uint32_t sessionId = 0;
   uint8_t session_accepted = FALSE;

   if (msg->msgId == AJ_METHOD_ACCEPT_SESSION) { // Process all
      incoming request to join a session and pass request for acceptance by all services
      *status = AJ_UnmarshalArgs(msg, "qus", &port, &sessionId, &joiner);
      if (*status != AJ_OK) {
         return serviceStatus;
      session_accepted |= (port == servicePort);
      session_accepted |= AJSVC_CheckSessionAccepted(port, sessionId, joiner);
      *status = AJ_BusReplyAcceptSession(msg, session_accepted);
      AJ_AlwaysPrintf(("%s session session_id=%u joiner=%s for port %u\n", (session_accepted ?
         "Accepted" : "Rejected"), sessionId, joiner, port));
   } else {
      switch (currentServicesInitializationState) {
         if (msg->msgId == AJ_REPLY_ID(AJ_METHOD_BIND_SESSION_PORT)) {
            currentServicesInitializationState = nextServicesInitializationState;

         if (msg->msgId == AJ_REPLY_ID(AJ_METHOD_ADVERTISE_NAME)) {
            currentServicesInitializationState = nextServicesInitializationState;

         serviceStatus = AJSVC_MessageProcessorAndDispatcher(busAttachment, msg, status);

   return serviceStatus;

DoWork handler

When there is a connection and the message loop is idling, the individual registered services' sample DoWork callbacks are called to allow the service's business logic to perform the service's sample business logic. These callbacks are implemented in the corresponding service's sample application code.

NOTE: The message loop is considered idling when no messages are ready to marshal, and the MCU will sleep to conserve resources for a small period of time.

void AJApp_DoWork(AJ_BusAttachment* busAttachment)




Disconnect handler

When the application needs to perform a graceful disconnect from the Wi-Fi router, the application and individual registered services get an opportunity to relinquish their resources and undo any registered state with the Wi-Fi router that was established during connection or operation. The disconnect handlers are called to allow for this cleanup work to be performed. Complete the steps outlined in Initialize the AllJoyn framework through Connect to the AllJoyn bus.

AJ_Status AJSVC_DisconnectHandler(AJ_BusAttachment* busAttachment)





Implement the PropertyStore

The PropertyStore module is required by principally by the About feature (to store the AboutData), the Configuration service framework (to store the ConfigData), and may be used also by other service frameworks (such as the Notification service framework's Producer to retrieve required application and device identifying properties). The module's API is specified in propertyStore.h.

The About feature uses the PropertyStore to retrieve the provisioned (default and runtime) values for the AboutData fields listed in AboutData fields. See the About Interface Definition for more information.

AboutData fields

Field name Required Announced Type
AppId yes yes ay
DefaultLanguage yes yes s
DeviceName yes yes s
DeviceId yes yes s
AppName yes yes s
Manufacturer yes yes s
ModelNumber yes yes s
SupportedLanguages yes no as
Description yes no s
DateofManufacture no no s
SoftwareVersion yes no s
AJSoftwareVersion yes no s
HardwareVersion no no s
SupportUrl no no s

The Configuration service framework uses the PropertyStore to retrieve the provisioned (default and runtime) values for the ConfigData and persist the values manipulated by the Config interface listed in Config data fields.

See the Configuration Interface Definition for more information.

Config data fields

Field name Required Announced Type
DefaultLanguage yes yes s
DeviceName yes yes s
MaxLength no yes q
PropertyStore example implementation

The PropertyStore.c file in AppsCommon is an example PropertyStore implementation that supports the requirements of the About feature and Configuration service framework, and is included in the ServerSample code.

The PropertyStore uses the field definitions that are defined in the PropertyStore.c file. A provisioning example is provided in the ServerSample code and is reviewed in the following subsections.

Field indexes

The following enumeration is used to define the fields' indexes. The enumeration is used as an index into the various fields' tables.

The enumerationinteger values are scoped into the following subsets delimited by the respectively named alias counter values:

NOTE: Do NOT remove the counters (AJSVC_PROPERTY_STORE_NUMBER_OF_*) as the PropertyStore code refers to them!

typedef enum _AJSVC_PropertyStoreFieldIndices {
   //Start of keys
   //End of runtime keys
   //End of runtime keys
   //End of mandatory keys
  //End of About keys
} AJSVC_PropertyStoreFieldIndices;
SupportedLanguages and language indexes

The following constants are used to define special language indexes. The index is used within the supported languages' tables and the various fields' tables.


The following definitions and structures in PropertyStoreOEMProvisioning.h are needed by the sample application in order to provision for the sample PropertyStore implementation.

extern const char** propertyStoreDefaultLanguages;

The language names are provisioned in the ServerSample's ServerSample.c as English and Austrian dialect of German.

static const char DEFAULT_LANGUAGE[] = "en";
static const char* DEFAULT_LANGUAGES[] = { DEFAULT_LANGUAGE };
static const char SUPPORTED_LANG2[] = "de-AT";
const char** propertyStoreDefaultLanguages = SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES;

NOTE: The language names are according to the IETF language tags specified by RFC 5646. The example implementation supports only simple languages and extended languages or variant sub-tags (regional) languages. Hence, LANG_NAME_LEN is defined as 7.

Field definition structure

The following bit field structure is used to define the behavior of each field with respect to its exposure to remote clients various calls.

typedef struct _PropertyStoreEntry {    const char* keyName;
   // The property key name as shown in About and Config documentation
   // msb=public/private; bit number 3 - initialise once;
   bit number 2 - multi-language value; bit number 1 - announce;
   bit number 0 - read/write uint8_t mode0Write : 1; uint8_t mode1Announce : 1; uint8_t mode2MultiLng : 1;
   uint8_t mode3Init : 1;
   uint8_t mode4 : 1;
   uint8_t mode5 : 1;
   uint8_t mode6 : 1;
   uint8_t mode7Public : 1;
} PropertyStoreEntry;
Field definitions

The following bit field structure is used to define the behavior of each field with respect to its exposure to remote clients various calls.

extern const PropertyStoreEntry propertyStoreProperties[AJSVC_PROPERTY_STORE_NUMBER_OF_KEYS];
const PropertyStoreEntry propertyStoreProperties[AJSVC_PROPERTY_STORE_NUMBER_OF_KEYS] =
// { "Key Name  ", W, A, M, I .. . . ., P },
   { "DeviceId",    0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 },
   { "AppId",   0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 },
   { "DeviceName",  0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 },
   { "DeviceName",
// Add other persisted keys above this line
   { "DefaultLanguage", 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 },
   { "DefaultLanguage",
   { "Passcode",    1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
   { "RealmName",   1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
// Add other configurable keys above this line
   { "AppName", 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 },
   { "Description", 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 },
   { "Manufacturer",    0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 },
   { "ModelNumber", 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 },
   { "DateOfManufacture",   0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 },
   { "SoftwareVersion", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 },
   { "AJSoftwareVersion",   0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 },
   { "MaxLength",   0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 },
// Add other mandatory about keys above this line
   { "HardwareVersion", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  0, 0,   1   },
   { "SupportUrl",  0, 0, 1, 0, 0,  0, 0,   1   },
// Add other optional about keys above this line
Field default values

The following array is used to provision the fields' default values:

extern const char** propertyStoreDefaultValues[AJSVC_PROPERTY_STORE_NUMBER_OF_KEYS];
   constant buffers depending on whether the property is multilingual

The following array is a snippet of code for provisioning for the Configuration service framework based on the ServerSample's ServerSample.c file:

static const char* DEFAULT_PASSCODES[] = { "303030303030" };
// HEX encoded { '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0' }
static const char* DEFAULT_APP_NAMES[] = { "Configuree" };
static const char DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION_LANG1[] = "AC IOE device";
static const char DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION_LANG2[] = "Mein erstes IOE Geraet";
static const char DEFAULT_MANUFACTURER_LANG1[] = "Company A(EN)";
static const char DEFAULT_MANUFACTURER_LANG2[] = "Firma A(DE-AT)";
static const char* DEFAULT_DEVICE_MODELS[] = { "0.0.1" };
static const char* DEFAULT_DATE_OF_MANUFACTURES[] = { "2014-02-01" };
static const char* DEFAULT_SOFTWARE_VERSIONS[] = { "0.0.1" };
static const char* DEFAULT_HARDWARE_VERSIONS[] = { "0.0.1" };
static const char DEFAULT_SUPPORT_URL_LANG1[] = "";
static const char DEFAULT_SUPPORT_URL_LANG2[] = "";

const char** propertyStoreDefaultValues[AJSVC_PROPERTY_STORE_NUMBER_OF_KEYS] =
// "Default Values per language",    "Key Name"
   NULL,    /*DeviceId*/
   NULL,    /*AppId*/
   NULL,    /*DeviceName*/
// Add other persisted keys above this line
   DEFAULT_LANGUAGES,   /*DefaultLanguage*/
   DEFAULT_PASSCODES,   /*Passcode*/ NULL,  /*RealmName*/
// Add other configurable keys above this line
   DEFAULT_APP_NAMES,            /*AppName*/
   DEFAULT_DESCRIPTIONS,     /*Description*/
   DEFAULT_MANUFACTURERS,    /*Manufacturer*/
   DEFAULT_DEVICE_MODELS,    /*ModelNumber*/
   DEFAULT_SOFTWARE_VERSIONS,    /*SoftwareVersion*/
   NULL,                     /*AJSoftwareVersion*/
   NULL,                     /*MaxLength*/
// Add other mandatory about keys above this line
   DEFAULT_HARDWARE_VERSIONS,    /*HardwareVersion*/
   DEFAULT_SUPPORT_URLS,     /*SupportUrl*/
// Add other optional about keys above this line
Field runtime values and persistence

The following structure is used to store runtime-provisioned value or remotely modified value.

typedef struct _PropertyStoreRuntimeEntry {
   char** value;    // An array of size 1 or
depending on whether the property is multilingual
   uint8_t size; // The size of the value buffer(s)
} PropertyStoreConfigEntry;

The various length constants are appropriately set for each field in order to optimize memory usage.


The following array is used to maintain the runtime Config fields' modified values and is implemented as part of PropertyStore.c file.

extern PropertyStoreConfigEntry propertyStoreRuntimeValues[AJSVC_PROPERTY_STORE_NUMBER_OF_RUNTIME_KEYS]

The following array is a snippet of code for provisioning for the Configuration service framework based on the ServerSample's ServerSample.c file:

static char machineIdVar[MACHINE_ID_LENGTH + 1] = { 0 };
static char* machineIdVars[] = { machineIdVar };
static char deviceNameVar[DEVICE_NAME_VALUE_LENGTH + 1] = { 0 };
static char* deviceNameVars[] = { deviceNameVar };
static char defaultLanguageVar[LANG_VALUE_LENGTH + 1] = { 0 };
static char* defaultLanguageVars[] = { defaultLanguageVar };
static char passcodeVar[PASSWORD_VALUE_LENGTH + 1] = { 0 };
static char* passcodeVars[] = { passcodeVar };
static char realmNameVar[KEY_VALUE_LENGTH + 1] = { 0 };
static char* realmNameVars[] = { realmNameVar };

PropertyStoreConfigEntry PropertyStoreRuntimeValues[AJSVC_PROPERTY_STORE_NUMBER_OF_RUNTIME_KEYS] =
// {"Buffers for Values per language", "Buffer Size"},  "Key Name"
   { machineIdVars, MACHINE_ID_LENGTH + 1 },     /*DeviceId*/
   { machineIdVars, MACHINE_ID_LENGTH + 1 },     /*AppId*/
   { deviceNameVars,    DEVICE_NAME_VALUE_LENGTH + 1 },  /*DeviceName*/
// Add other persisted keys above this line
   { defaultLanguageVars,   LANG_VALUE_LENGTH + 1 }, /*DefaultLanguage*/
   { passcodeVars,  PASSWORD_VALUE_LENGTH + 1 },    /*Passcode*/
   { realmNameVars, KEY_VALUE_LENGTH + 1 },         /*RealmName*/

NOTE: The size entry needs to match the actual allocation buffer length that is provisioned for each field. Refer to PropertyStore.c PropertyStore_Init() and InitMandatoryPropertiesInRAM() for an example runtime initialization of the persisted fields.

If the value of a Config field (such as DeviceName) was modified, it is stored in the array under the relevant language.

If ResetConfigurations() for this field (for some given language) or a globalFactoryReset() has been remotely called, the value (for the given language) will be reset to an empty string.

In order to conserve memory a single shared buffer machineIdVars is used for both the AppId and DeviceId fields.

Implementation and provisioning information

The bit field values in the example are an implementation of the About feature and Configuration service framework per the About Interface Definition and Configuration Interface Definition. You should not require any change in these and only alter the String values of the fields. You may of course remove optional fields such as DateOfManufacture.

Depending on the AJSVC_PROPERTY_STORE_NUMBER_OF_LANGUAGES you've provisioned, this structure must be populated with as many default values. Use NULL for non-provisioned values such as when the field is non-language dependent (e.g., DeviceName).

When provisioning a non-language dependent field, the first value (at index AJSVC_PROPERTY_STORE_NO_LANGUAGE_INDEX) is used and all other values are ignored, yet must be initialized.

Adding custom field definition and values

Complete the following steps to add your own custom fields.

  1. Decide to which subset the field belongs and add it to the enumeration AJSVC_PropertyStoreFieldIndices accordingly.
  2. Add a new field entry at the respective index to the propertyStoreProperties.
  3. Decide whether the field is publicly accessible from remote clients. If the field is public, set the mode7Public bit to 1.
  4. Decide whether the field is to be allowed to be configured remotely through the Configuration service framework. If the field is updateable, then set the mode0Write bit to 1. NOTE: If you set this bit, the field's index must be included in the Persisted or Config keys subsets.
  5. Decide whether the field is to be includedin the Announcement. If the field is announced, then set the mode1Announce bit to 1. NOTE: It is recommended to limit the inclusion of a field in the Announcement according to its immediate relevance to the relevant service framework's discovery. Only the value associated with the currentDefaultLanguage will be sent in the Announcement.
  6. Decide whether the field is multi-language and add the relevant values for the provisioned languages. If the field is multi-language, then set the mode2MultiLng bit to 1.
  7. Decide whether the field is to be provisioned dynamically in code and persisted during first-time (or post-factory reset) device startup. If the field is to be initialized once, then set the mode3Init bit to 1 and add the relevant code to initialize it.

Refer to PropertyStore.c PropertyStore_Init() and InitMandatoryPropertiesInRAM() for an example setup for the DeviceId and AppId fields.

NOTE: If you set this bit, the field's index must be included in the Persisted keys subsets. 8. Add relevant validation of updated value for your custom key by modifying the default implementation of IsValueValid() in ConfigSample.c file. c uint8_t IsValueValid(const char* key, const char* value) {return TRUE;} 9. Add entry in corresponding index of propertyStoreDefaultValues to provision default value(s). 10. Add entry in corresponding index of propertyStoreRuntimeValues to provision for runtime value(s) buffer(s).

NOTE: The example implementation of PropertyStore supports properties with value of type String ('s') only. If your property must be of a different type, you must provision the default value as a String and perform the relevant de/serialization on the client side.

The following shows an example of how to add a configurable proprietary property named "MyProperty" that has a language-dependent value. * Add index MyProperty to AJSVC_PropertyStoreFieldIndices:


c //{ "Key Name ", W, A, M, I .. . . ., P }, { "MyProperty", 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 }, // Add other configurable keys above this line

c static const char DEFAULT_MYPROPERTY_LANG1[] = "My"; static const char DEFAULT_MYPROPERTY_LANG2[] = "Mein"; static const char* DEFAULT_MYPROPERTIES[] = { DEFAULT_ MYPROPERTY_LANG1, DEFAULT_ MYPROPERTY_LANG2 }; ... DEFAULT_MYPROPERTIES, /*MyProperty*/ // Add other configurable keys above this line

Implement remote callbacks

Callbacks are provided by the service frameworks to allow for the application writer to react to various remotely initiated calls and events. In particular, the Configuration service framework has callbacks that allow for the application writer to react to remote initiated events and the Controlee part of the Control Panel service framework has callbacks that allow for the application writer to write the business logic for the ControlPanel model.

See the Configuration API Guide and the Control Panel API Guide, respectively, for more information.

Integrate the Configuration service framework with an

application's AuthListener (optional)

The Configuration service framework and other AllJoyn service framework interface methods and signals require a secure AllJoyn connection. The application writer may choose to use an ALLJOYN_ECDHE_PSK authentication mechanism in its AuthListener implementation.

The Configuration service framework enables remote setting of a password that can be used as the secret for a key exchange authentication mechanism. An example implementation that uses this facility is included in the sample server application in the ServicesHandlers.c file as shown below.

uint32_t PasswordCallback(uint8_t* buffer, uint32_t bufLen)
   AJ_Status status = AJ_OK;
   const char* hexPassword;
   size_t hexPasswordLen;
   uint32_t len = 0;

   hexPassword = AJSVC_PropertyStore_GetValue(AJSVC_PROPERTY_STORE_PASSCODE);
   if (hexPassword == NULL) {
      AJ_ErrPrintf(("Password is NULL!\n"));
      return len;
   AJ_InfoPrintf(("Retrieved password=%s\n", hexPassword));
   hexPasswordLen = strlen(hexPassword);
   len = hexPasswordLen / 2;
   status = AJ_HexToRaw(hexPassword, hexPasswordLen, buffer, bufLen);
   if (status == AJ_ERR_RESOURCES) {
      len = 0;

   return len;

The above implementation calls AJSVC_PropertyStore_GetValue (AJSVC_PROPERTY_STORE_PASSCODE) to retrieve the current password. This implementation relies on an extension in the sample implementation of the PropertyStore which was extended with the Passcode field defined in the AJSVC_PropertyStoreFieldIndices enumeration. The field is remotely updateable via a Configuration service framework session using the dedicated SetPasscode() method. The stored Passcode is limited to the size of 65, allowing for 64 characters long secret:


This is achieved using the field definition that masks the field as writable yet private, as shown in the propertyStoreProperties initialization in PropertyStore.c:

{"Passcode", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }

The default value is provisioned in ServerSample.c as follows:

// HEX encoded { '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0' }
static const char* DEFAULT_PASSCODES[] = { "303030303030" };

and added to propertyStoreDefaultValues.


Since the Passcode enumeration value is less than AJSVC_PROPERTY_STORE_NUMBER_OF_RUNTIME_KEYS, it is also considered part of the propertyStoreRuntimeValues; its modified value is persisted.

Also, when SetPasscode() is called remotely, the SetPasscode() callback is invoked with the following example implementation in ConfigSample.c file as shown below:

static AJ_Status SetPasscode(const char* daemonRealm, const uint8_t* newPasscode, uint8_t newPasscodeLen)
   AJ_Status status = AJ_OK;

   char newStringPasscode[PASSWORD_VALUE_LENGTH + 1];
   status = AJ_RawToHex(newPasscode, newPasscodeLen, newStringPasscode, sizeof(newStringPasscode), FALSE);
   if (status != AJ_OK) {
      return status;
   if (AJSVC_PropertyStore_SetValue(AJSVC_PROPERTY_STORE_REALM_NAME, daemonRealm)
&& AJSVC_PropertyStore_SetValue(AJSVC_PROPERTY_STORE_PASSCODE, newStringPasscode))

      status = AJSVC_PropertyStore_SaveAll();
      if (status != AJ_OK) {
         return status;
      status = AJ_ERR_READ; //Force disconnect of AJ and services to refresh current sessions
   } else {

      status = AJSVC_PropertyStore_LoadAll();
      if (status != AJ_OK) {
         return status;

   return status;

The above implementation stores the passcode as part of the PropertyStore persistence:

  1. It calls AJSVC_PropertyStore_SetValue(Passcode, newStringPasscode) to set the value in RAM.
  2. If successful, it also calls AJSVC_PropertyStore_SaveAll() to persist to NVRAM.
  3. Finally, AJ_ClearCredentials() is called to revoke all current keys based on the old passcode.

NOTES * The stored passcode is HEX and is limited to the size of 32, allowing for 16 bytes long secret:

c #define PASSWORD_VALUE_LENGTH (AJ_ADHOC_LEN * 2) The default value for the Passcode field is provisioned as '303030303030' (the HEX encoded string value for the byte array { '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0' }) as per the requirement outlined in the Configuration Interface Definition. The realm name is similarly persisted alongside the passcode by adding the RealmName field index to the AJSVC_PropertyStoreFieldIndices enumeration and provisioning for it in propertyStoreDefaultValues and propertyStoreRuntimeValues initialization.

Compile the Thin Library Application

This process, including the directory and file layout, toolchains, and procedures varies depending on the host and target platforms involved, and which AllJoyn service frameworks are being used.

Refer to the target platform documentation that contains instructions on how to organize and set up the build process to incorporate the necessary files to compile your Thin Library application.