iOS Tutorial
This content looks at the BasicService and BasicClient sample in the SDK. This is a simple demonstration wherein the client sends two strings to the service, the service concatenates the strings sent by the client and returns a single string.
Components Used to Write a Sample
The AllJoyn™ Objective-C bindings are based on the fact that any AllJoyn Objective C-code that you write will hit the native AllJoyn library.
When you download the AllJoyn SDK for iOS and OS X, the typical structure of the SDK and its components is followed:
- build
- alljoyn_objc
- services
- README.txt
- ReleaseNotes.txt
The following sections define each one of these directories and their role.
build directory
If you were to build the AllJoyn source for Darwin (iOS/OS X) by issuing a SCons command, the build directory is the build output. The following directories are located under build:
- about-docs
- darwin
- docs
about-docs and docs directories
The about-docs and docs directories contain the API documentation for the native library (C++) of the AllJoyn framework and the About feature.
darwin directory
Under the darwin directory you will find four folders: arm, armv7, armv7s and x86.
arm armv7 and armv7s directories
The arm folders contain the native libraries and header files for running the AllJoyn code over the corresponding versions of iOS devices.
alljoyn_objc directory
The alljoyn_objc directory contains most of the things relevant to an iOS developer. The following sections define each item.
The code generator tool is the best way to get started generating the glue code that makes calls inside the native AllJoyn library.
AllJoynFramework is the actual binding code that contains the implementation of the publicly exposed Objective-C bindings.
AllJoynFramework_iOS is the actual binding code like the AllJoyn framework, but is more specific to iOS devices.
samples directory
The samples directory contains both iOS and OS X samples that give you ideas for using the AllJoyn Objective-C bindings.
Test directory
The Test directory contains a few tests that can be used to test the AllJoyn SDK.
Overview of files in the samples
The following section is common to both BasicService and BasicClient.
We first need to understand a few of the common files that are a part of the sample code. Not all files in an AllJoyn iOS sample need to be written from scratch. We have a code generator tool, which generates much of the glue code and you end up writing very little actual AllJoyn code. To create an AllJoyn Objective-C sample from scratch, the best place to start is the AllJoyn Programming Guide for the Objective-C Language. This document shows you how to make use of the code generator to define the interface and in turn generate glue code that makes a call in the native AllJoyn library. You do not have to make calls in the native library yourself.
If we use the code generator for BasicService and BasicClient, the code generated would be four files:
File name | Description |
BasicObject.h | This file shows you the interface implemented by the BusObject that you defined using the xml as input to the code generator. |
BasicObject.m | This file has the Objective-C implementation of the BasicObject. |
AJNBasicObject.h | The Objective-C implementation of a bus object needs to map to a C++ implementation that calls in the native AllJoyn library. The code gen tool does this for you and produces the header and source files for this mapping. You need not write the C++ code or bother about how is it done. | | This file contains the implementation of C++ BusObject. In the sample, the C++ BusObject is called BasicObjectImpl. |
There are other files in the sample as listed below:
- ViewController.h: This is the View Controller header file of this application.
- This contains the implementation of the View Controller for this application.
Walkthrough of BasicService
Developers who are not familiar with app development for the iOS platform can refer to the Apple developer documentation, which has a set of rich tutorials to understand how a typical iOS app is structured. For ease of understanding, if you are new to iOS development, an iOS app is structured based on MVC architecture, which means that you will have the following:
- A View, which is your UI and since we use Xcode, this corresponds to Storyboard.
- A Controller, which is your
in the case of our BasicService and BasicClient sample - A Model, which are
in the case of BasicService andBasicClient.h
in the case of BasicClient
Let us look at it from the perspective of how an app is loaded and what parts of the source code are called and what do they mean
When the BasicService app loads up, the viewDidLoad function in is called:
Code 1
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
self.basicService = [[BasicService alloc] init];
self.basicService.delegate = self;
[self.basicService startService];
Here, we instantiate BasicService which is the model and
then send a message to startService
Before going further, it might be good to look at what is
inside BasicService.h since we are calling a method of BasicService
Code 2
@protocol BasicServiceDelegate <NSObject>
- (void)didReceiveStatusUpdateMessage:(NSString *)message;
@interface BasicService : NSObject
@property (strong, nonatomic) id<BasicServiceDelegate> delegate;
- (void)startService;
The first thing we notice is a @protocol
called BasicServiceDelegate
with a method didReceiveStatusUpdateMessage
. This is in place
so that the model can send a message to the view controller.
The protocol tells the model that the view controller will
have this method implemented.
The second thing is the interface BasicService
which has a property
The ViewController
sets itself as the delegate inside
so that the model, BasicService
, can
send a message to the method didReceiveStatusUpdateMessage
of ViewController
using the delegate property.
This is a common way for a model to call a method of a
in iOS. Now we turn back our attention to
in BasicService
Code 3
- (void)startService
dispatch_queue_t serviceQueue = dispatch_queue_create
("org.alljoyn.basic-service.serviceQueue", NULL);
dispatch_async( serviceQueue, ^{
[self run];
Here we create a dispatch queue called "org.alljoyn.basic-service.serviceQueue"
and call the method run
. Now let us look at the method run
Code 4
[self.delegate didReceiveStatusUpdateMessage:[NSString
stringWithFormat:@"AllJoyn Library version: %@\n",
[AJNVersion versionInformation]]];
[self.delegate didReceiveStatusUpdateMessage:[NSString
stringWithFormat:@"AllJoyn Library build info: %@\n",
[AJNVersion buildInformation]]];
The first few lines of this method print out debugging information. There are two calls that are interesting.
Notice we call didReceiveStatusUpdateMessage
using the
delegate that we had declared in Code 3.
This updates the text view of the app with the message
parameters that we send it. In the two calls above, we send
the AllJoyn library version and a build info string.
Next, we create a BusAttachment and assign it to the
property named bus
, which we declared in BasicService.h file
See Code 5.
Code 5
self.bus = [[AJNBusAttachment alloc] initWithApplicationName:@"BasicService"
We then have a condition lock, which is in place so that only thread executes the code that follows. We do not want to have multiple threads trying to do AllJoyn things at the same time for this sample.
Code 6
self.lostSessionCondition = [[NSCondition alloc] init];
[self.lostSessionCondition lock];
We then register the bus listener, which essentially has callbacks that indicate if we found an advertised name, lost a session, or a name owner changed condition
Code 7
[self.bus registerBusListener:self];
The code gen tool produces the implementation stub of Bus Object which we can now instantiate in our Service code with the line in Code 8:
Code 8
self.basicObject = [[BasicObject alloc] initWithBusAttachment:self.bus
After we have instantiated the Bus Object, we start the bus:
Code 9
status = [self.bus start];
if (ER_OK != status) {
[self.delegate didReceiveStatusUpdateMessage:@"BusAttachment::Start
NSLog(@"Bus start failed.");
We need to register the bus object that we had instantiated above. We do so by calling Code 10:
Code 10
status = [self.bus registerBusObject:self.basicObject];
if (ER_OK != status) {
NSLog(@"ERROR: Could not register bus object");
We started the bus and now need to connect to it, which is done
by calling the connectWithArguements
method. The arguments passed
to this method is a string "null:" which indicates the we connect
to the "null" transport. In the context of the AllJoyn framework,
this means we are connecting to the AllJoyn router which is a
part of this app. Some operating systems have the ability to
run a separate AllJoyn standalone router process, which the
app can connect to. Running a separate process is not possible
in iOS and not beneficial in many ways. We will leave that
discussion here since we are focusing on the sample.
Code 11
status = [self.bus connectWithArguments:@"null:"];
if (ER_OK != status) {
NSLog(@"Bus connect failed.");
[self.delegate didReceiveStatusUpdateMessage:@"Failed to connect to null:
For an AllJoyn service we typically request a well-known name, bind a session port to that well known name, and then advertise that name so that others who are interested in talking to the service find it and join our session.
We do these three things with the lines of code shown in Code 12, Code 13, Code 14, and Code 15.
Code 12
status = [self.bus requestWellKnownName:kBasicServiceName
withFlags:kAJNBusNameFlagReplaceExisting | kAJNBusNameFlagDoNotQueue];
if (ER_OK != status) {
NSLog(@"ERROR: Request for name failed (%@)", kBasicServiceName);
The parameter kBasicServiceName
is the name that we request
from our bus. The name may or may not be available and also
depends on the flags that you pass in to the specifier withFlags
In the case of this sample, we pass kAJNBusNameFlagReplaceExisting | kAJNBusNameFlagDoNotQueue
which tells the bus to replace the existing owner of the name
with this service instance and if the name is already taken by
someone do not queue this service waiting for the name to be released.
Code 13
// bind a session to a service port
AJNSessionOptions *sessionOptions = [[AJNSessionOptions alloc]
initWithTrafficType:kAJNTrafficMessages supportsMultipoint:YES
proximity:kAJNProximityAny transportMask:kAJNTransportMaskAny];
Before calling bindSessionPort
, we need to specify certain
things about the session, for example:
- What kind of traffic would this session be supporting?
- Would it be a single point or a multipoint session?
- Over which transports would this session be available?
These things are specified by using AJNSessionOptions
as shown in Code 13,
which we pass in to the call to bindSesssionOnPort: withOptions: withDelegate:
as shown in Code 14.
Code 14
status = [self.bus bindSessionOnPort:kBasicServicePort
withOptions:sessionOptions withDelegate:self];
if (ER_OK != status) {
NSLog(@"ERROR: Could not bind session on port (%d)", kBasicServicePort);
Next, once we have bound a session to a port we advertise the
name so that peers, BasicClient
in our case, can find the well-known
name and join this session. While advertising the name we specify
the well-known name and the transport over which we want this
name to be advertised.
Code 15
// advertise a name
status = [self.bus advertiseName:kBasicServiceName withTransportMask:kAJNTransportMaskAny];
if (ER_OK != status) {
NSLog(@"Could not advertise (%@)", kBasicServiceName);
After we are done advertising the name we wait for the clients
to connect to us. In our sample, we specify the time to wait
before cleaning up as 60 seconds . The lostSession
condition waits
until it gets a signal, which is sent to it when the session
is lost. You see the signal being sent to this condition inside
of the sessionWasLost:
callback which is a part of the AJNSessionListener
Code 16
// wait until the client leaves before tearing down the service
// [self.lostSessionCondition waitUntilDate:[NSDate
In the end, we perform cleanup by unregistering the bus object,
releasing the lock on the condition property and deallocating
the bus property by setting it to nil
Code 17
[self.bus unregisterBusObject:self.basicObject];
[self.lostSessionCondition unlock];
self.bus = nil;
We have a several callback methods that are a part of three different listeners. A brief description of each one grouped by listener category is mentioned in the sections that follow.
AJNBusListener methods
Code 18
This is invoked when registerBusListener
is completed
successfully and the bus notifies the application about it.
Code 19
This is invoked when the BusListener
unregisters from the bus.
Code 20
(void)nameOwnerChanged:(NSString*)name to:(NSString*)newOwner
This is called when there is a change in the ownership of a name on the bus. The name could be a unique name or a well-known name.
Code 21
This is called when a BusAttachment
, with which a listener
is registered, is stopping.
Code 22
This is called when a BusAttachment
, with which this listener
is registered, has become disconnected from the bus.
AJNSessionPortListener methods
Only the session host uses this category of listener since it will not have any effect on the client side.
Code 23
This is one of the most important callback functions that
almost every service will have. When a peer initiates a
join session for the session hosted by a service this callback
is invoked so that the service may accept or reject the join
session request initiated by the client. It gives us the unique
name of the joiner who initiated the join
session request,
the port of the session used and the session options that
the client wishes to use for the life of this session.
Code 24
(void)didJoin:(NSString*)joiner inSessionWithId:(AJNSessionId)sessionId
If a service accepts a join
session request sent by a client,
the client joins the session and the service is notified about
the successful joining of the client through this callback.
This means that the session is fully up and running.
It indicates the unique name of the joiner, the session id
that it is a part of and the session port which was used
for joining the session.
AJNSessionListener methods
Code 25
- (void)sessionWasLost:(AJNSessionId)sessionId
The bus invokes this callback when an existing session becomes disconnected and is no longer valid.
Code 26
- (void)didAddMemberNamed:(NSString*)memberName
This callback indicates that a member with unique name memberName
was added to the session with session id of the second argument.
Code 27
- (void)didRemoveMemberNamed:(NSString*)memberName
This callback indicates that a member with unique name
is no longer a part of the session with
session id having value sessionId
This ends the description of code found under BasicService.
Walkthrough of BasicClient
The BasicClient app starts with a button being displayed,
which says "Call Service". When the button is pressed,
the didTouchCallServiceButton
method is called.
Code 28
- (IBAction)didTouchCallServiceButton:(id)sender
self.basicClient = [[BasicClient alloc] init];
self.basicClient.delegate = self; [self.basicClient sendHelloMessage];
Here, we instantiate BasicClient
and call the sendHelloMessage
Before looking at the sendHelloMessage
, it would be useful
to understand what is inside the BasicClient.h
Code 29
@protocol BasicClientDelegate <NSObject>
- (void)didReceiveStatusUpdateMessage:(NSString *)message;
@interface BasicClient : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, weak) NSObject<BasicClientDelegate> *delegate;
- (void)sendHelloMessage;
The first thing we notice is a @protocol called BasicCLientDelegate
with a method didReceiveStatusUpdateMessage
. This is in place
so that the model can send a message to the view controller.
The protocol tells the model that the view controller will
have this method implemented.
The second thing is the interface BasicClient
, which has a
property id<BasicClientDelegate>
The ViewController
sets itself as the delegate inside
so that the model, BasicClient
, can
send a message to the method didReceiveStatusUpdateMessage
of ViewController
using the delegate property.
This is a common way for a model to call a method of a
in iOS. Now we turn back our attention
to sendHelloMessage
in BasicClient
Code 30
- (void)sendHelloMessage
dispatch_queue_t clientQueue =
dispatch_async( clientQueue, ^{ [self run];
The sendHelloMessage
creates a dispatch queue and then
calls the run
method from here.
Before we head in the run
method, let's look at a few properties
that are defined inside of BasicClient
- @property (nonatomic, strong ) AJNBusAttachment *bus
Represents the bus attachment we use in the client code.
- @property ( nonatomic, strong) NSCondition *joinedSessionCondition
NSCondition used to signal that we have joined a session after finding an advertised name.
- @property (nonatomic) AJNSessionId sessionId
Used to hold the session id of the session that the client would become a part of.
- @property ( nonatomic, strong) NSString *foundServiceName
Used to hold the well-known name of the service it found when it was looking for an advertised name.
- @property (nonatomic, strong) BasicObjectProxy *basicObjectProxy
It is the proxy bus object, which will represent the bus object of Basic service.
- @property BOOL wasNameAlreadyFound
Used to indicate if the name we are looking for was already found.
Now let us look at the run function. The first few lines are
debugging information printing out the AllJoyn library version
the build info string by calling the method didReceiveStatusUpdateMessage
that the ViewController
should have implemented.
Code 31
NSLog(@"AllJoyn Library version: %@", AJNVersion.versionInformation);
NSLog(@"AllJoyn Library build info: %@\n", AJNVersion.buildInformation);
[self.delegate didReceiveStatusUpdateMessage:AJNVersion.versionInformation];
[self.delegate didReceiveStatusUpdateMessage:AJNVersion.buildInformation];
// create the message bus
self.bus = [[AJNBusAttachment alloc] initWithApplicationName:@"BasicClient"
Here, we created the bus attachment that will allow us to talk to the bus. Next, we start the bus.
Code 32
status = [self.bus start];
Once we have started the bus, we connect to it. A short description on why do we pass "null:" and what does it imply is mentioned in BasicService section when we explain Code 11.
Code 33
status = [self.bus connectWithArguments:@"null:"];
Next we use an NSCondition, which will be eventually used to receive the indication that the session was joined.
Code 34
self.joinedSessionCondition = [[NSCondition alloc] init];
[self.joinedSessionCondition lock];
We register the bus listener, which is nothing but this instance of BasicClient.
Code 35
// register a bus listener in order to receive discovery notifications
[self.bus registerBusListener:self];
Next, we want to find the well-known name advertised by the BasicService.
Code 36
// begin discovery of the well known name of the service to be called
// [self.bus findAdvertisedName:kBasicClientServiceName];
It is easier to understand the code from here on if we know what happens when we find the exact name or the names that have the prefix that we supplied to the method in Code 36. Code 37 shows the callback that gets called.
Code 37
- (void)didFindAdvertisedName:(NSString*)name
withTransportMask:(AJNTransportMask)transport namePrefix:(NSString*)namePrefix
NSLog(@"AJNBusListener::didFindAdvertisedName:%@ withTransportMask:%u
namePrefix:%@", name, transport, namePrefix);
if ([namePrefix compare:kBasicClientServiceName] == NSOrderedSame) {
BOOL shouldReturn;
@synchronized(self) {
shouldReturn = self.wasNameAlreadyFound;
self.wasNameAlreadyFound = true;
if (shouldReturn) {
NSLog(@"Already found an advertised name, ignoring this name
%@...", name);
// Since we are in a callback we must enable concurrent callbacks
before calling a synchronous method.
[self.bus enableConcurrentCallbacks];
self.sessionId = [self.bus joinSessionWithName:name
onPort:kBasicClientServicePort withDelegate:self
options:[[AJNSessionOptions alloc] initWithTrafficType:kAJNTrafficMessages
supportsMultipoint:YES proximity:kAJNProximityAny transportMask:kAJNTransportMaskAny]];
if (self.sessionId) {
self.foundServiceName = name;
NSLog(@"Client joined session %d", self.sessionId);
[self.delegate didReceiveStatusUpdateMessage:[NSString
stringWithFormat:@"JoinSession SUCCESS (Session id=%d)\n", self.sessionId]];
else {
[self.delegate didReceiveStatusUpdateMessage:@"JoinSession
[self.joinedSessionCondition signal];
Let's see what is happening in here. We first compare if the name that we found is the same as what we were looking for or has the name we were looking for as its prefix. If we have already received the name, we return.
Code 38
BOOL shouldReturn;
@synchronized(self) {
shouldReturn = self.wasNameAlreadyFound;
self.wasNameAlreadyFound = true;
if (shouldReturn) {
NSLog(@"Already found an advertised name, ignoring this name
%@...", name);
Next, let us assume that we saw this name for the first time, which means that we can join the session.
Code 39
// Since we are in a callback we must enable concurrent
callbacks before calling a synchronous method.
[self.bus enableConcurrentCallbacks];
The call to enableConcurrentCallbacks
is in place so that
we can make a synchronous call inside an asynchronous method.
Code 40
self.sessionId = [self.bus joinSessionWithName:name
onPort:kBasicClientServicePort withDelegate:self options:[[AJNSessionOptions alloc]
initWithTrafficType:kAJNTrafficMessages supportsMultipoint:YES
proximity:kAJNProximityAny transportMask:kAJNTransportMaskAny]];
if (self.sessionId) {
self.foundServiceName = name;
NSLog(@"Client joined session %d", self.sessionId);
[self.delegate didReceiveStatusUpdateMessage:[NSString
stringWithFormat:@"JoinSession SUCCESS (Session id=%d)\n", self.sessionId]];
else {
[self.delegate didReceiveStatusUpdateMessage:@"JoinSession
Next, we called joinSessionWithName
. The arguments here are:
- Name of the session we want to join
- Port on which the session host is listening
- A delegate class which will handle session related callbacks
- Options to specify session parameters
- Type of traffic that will go over the session
- Boolean indicating if the session we are joining is a point-to-point or a multipoint session
- Proximity type
- Transport mask specifying the transport over which we want to join this session
Code 41
[self.joinedSessionCondition signal];
And, in the end, we signal the joinSessionCondition
so that
we can go ahead and make a method call on the service.
Going forward, in order to make a method call on the
, we first need to create a proxy bus object,
which will represent the Basic service object. Calling
introspect makes us aware of the interfaces it implements
so that we can make a correct method call.
The creation of proxy bus object requires the bus attachment, name of the service for which we are creating the proxy bus object, the object path of the remote object and the session id.
After creating the proxy bus object we need to know the
interfaces that it contains so that we can call the desired method.
For this purpose, we call the introspectRemoteObject
Finally, after introspecting the remote object we call the
method concatenateString:withString:
If the method call goes through successfully, we should have the concatenated value in the string "result".
Code 42
if ([self.joinedSessionCondition waitUntilDate:[NSDate
dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:60]]) {
// once joined to a session, use a proxy object to make
the function call
self.basicObjectProxy = [[BasicObjectProxy alloc]
initWithBusAttachment:self.bus serviceName:self.foundServiceName
objectPath:kBasicClientServicePath sessionId:self.sessionId];
// get a description of the interfaces implemented by the
remote object before making the call
[self.basicObjectProxy introspectRemoteObject];
// now make the function call
NSString *result = [self.basicObjectProxy concatenateString:@"Code "
if (result) {
NSLog(@"[%@] %@ concatenated string.", result,
[result compare:@"Code Monkies!!!!!!!"] == NSOrderedSame ?
[self.delegate didReceiveStatusUpdateMessage:@"Successfully called
method on remote object!!!\n"];
self.basicObjectProxy = nil;
else {
NSLog(@"Timed out while attempting to join a session with
[self.delegate didReceiveStatusUpdateMessage:@"Timed out while
attempting to join a session with BasicService..."];
We looked at the flow the program when the user presses the 'Call Service' button on the UI of BasicClient. There is another button on the UI on BasicClient named 'Check Presence'. Let us take a look at the flow for that: objc
Code 43
- (void)sendPing
dispatch_queue_t pingQueue =
dispatch_async( pingQueue, ^{ [self ping];
Code 43 is identical to the behavior we saw when we called the function run. Let us take a look at the function ping below.
Code 44
- (void)ping
if objc(self.bus == NULL) {
QStatus status = [self.bus pingPeer:kBasicClientServiceName withTimeout:5];
if (status == ER_OK) {
[self.delegate didReceiveStatusUpdateMessage:@"Ping returned
} else {
[self.delegate didReceiveStatusUpdateMessage:@"Ping Failed"];
The function ping calls the public API pingPeer: withTimeout: inside AJNBusAttachment. It passes the well-known name of the BasicService and the timeout value that reflects how much time will the ping call wait before returning. On successfully ping, the text section on the UI should indicate that the ping call was successful.
This ends the description of BasicClient.
The two samples are in place to illustrate the most simplistic manner in which AllJoyn Objective-C bindings can be used. Using the AllJoyn framework, not only can you write apps that run on separate devices and talk to each other, but you can also write apps that communicate with each other on the same AllJoyn-enabled device. Moreover, the AllJoyn cross-platform support allows you to easily write your app for Android, Windows, and other platforms without having to worry about the problems that the AllJoyn framework solves.
The AllJoyn concepts that we discussed in this document remain consistent when we move to a different platform like Android so that the developer spends more time on his actual app rather than worry about the peer-to-peer piece. This gives you the ability to quickly write apps that work on different platforms and talk to each other, which is a very important thing in today's mobile application development ecosystem.