
会话应用程序是一个很有价值的测试工具。此应用程序支持命令行输入,帮助开发者确保某个 AllJoyn™ 应用程序的基本启动。

此应用程序支持一下平台: Linux Windows Android OS X

会话应用程序位于 build dist 文件夹内部:

'''sh /cpp/bin/ '''



debug <module_name> <level>                                   - Set debug level for a module
requestname <name>                                            - Request a well-known name
releasename <name>                                            - Release a well-known name
bind <port> [isMultipoint] [traffic] [proximity] [transports] - Bind a session port
unbind <port>                                                 - Unbind a session port
advertise <name> [transports]                                 - Advertise a name
canceladvertise <name> [transports]                           - Cancel an advertisement
find <name_prefix>                                            - Discover names that begin with prefix
cancelfind <name_prefix>                                      - Cancel discovering names that begins with prefix
list                                                          - List port bindings, discovered names and active sessions
join <name> <port> [isMultipoint] [traffic] [proximity] [transports] - Join a session
asyncjoin <name> <port> [isMultipoint] [traffic] [proximity] [transports] - Join a session asynchronously
removemember <sessionId> <memberName>                         - Remove a session member
leave <sessionId>                                             - Leave a session
chat <sessionId> <msg>                                        - Send a message over a given session
cchat <sessionId> <msg>                                       - Send a message over a given session with compression
schat <msg>                                                   - Send a sessionless message
cancelsessionless <serialNum>                                 - Cancel a sessionless message
autochat <sessionId> [count] [delay] [minSize] [maxSize]      - Send periodic messages of various sizes
timeout <sessionId> <linkTimeout>                             - Set link timeout for a session
asynctimeout <sessionId> <timeout>                            - Set link timeout for a session asynchronously
chatecho [on|off]                                             - Turn on/off chat messages
addmatch <rule>                                               - Add a DBUS rule
removematch <rule>                                            - Remove a DBUS rule
sendttl <ttl>                                                 - Set ttl (in ms) for all chat messages (0 = infinite)
ping <name>                                                   - Ping a name
exit                                                          - Exit this program




假设,一个应用程序已经被写入 AllJoyn 框架,但在发现其他应用程序的功能上还有缺陷。会话应用程序可以将存在缺陷的部分隔离。

  1. 启动会话应用程序 NOTE: 平台与需要被 debug 的应用程序需在同一网络中。
  2. 键入 'find ', 是本应被推广的 well-known name 的开头。键入 'find org.alljoyn' ,运行时, Basic Service 会有如下显示: FoundAdvertisedName name=org.alljoyn.Bus.sample namePrefix=org.alljoyn
  3. 键入 'join org.alljoyn.Bus.sample 25',尝试加入会话。 你将看到以下信息: JoinSession(org.alljoyn.Bus.sample, 25, ...) succeeded with id = 186166334


执行以下操作,建立一个绑定了会话并推广 well-known name 的应用程序。 1. 运行会话应用程序。 2. 键入 'bind 123'. 3. 键入 'requestname org.allseen.test'. 4. 键入 'advertise org.allseen.test'. NOTE: 在模拟一个客户端时,需要在另一个命令行窗口中打开一个新的会话应用程序,并验证模拟一个客户端 'find org.alljoyn.test' 中的每个步骤, 然后执行 'join org.alljoyn.test 123'.