Common Issues

Below is a list of common issues, debugging tricks, and solutions.

The AllJoyn™ discover feature is not working in Android

Check the setup

The devices should be connected to the same access point for the AllJoyn frameowrk to work.

An AllJoyn router must be running for every app that uses the AllJoyn framework. The router can be in standalone or bundled form.

For the AllJoyn framework to work on a Wi-Fi network, it should have multi-cast packet routing enabled and wireless isolation turned off. The AllJoyn framework handles the case of wireless isolation if you do not care which transport is used, but if you want strictly Wi-Fi access, wireless isolation should be turned off.

Check for AndroidManifest.xml.

Developers often look up AllJoyn samples to learn how to use the AllJoyn framework. While getting the source code is usually correct, make sure the AndroidManifest.xml file is in the app package.

xml <uses-permission android:name= "android.permission.INTERNET"> </uses-permission>

xml <uses-permission android:name= "android.permission. CHANGE_WIFI_MULTICAST_STATE"> </uses-permission>

xml <uses-permission android:name= "android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE"> </uses-permission>

xml <uses-permission android:name= "android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE"> </uses-permission>

Peer presence detection

How do I know when a peer is no longer available, or has moved out of range when I was talking to, or in a session with, that peer?


The AllJoyn framework has three kinds of main listeners (excluding AuthListener)

Has callbacks for FoundAdvertisedName, NameOwnerChanged, and NameLost.

Typically used by a peer that is hosting a session/service; you can have two callbacks inside your implementation of this listener.

  1. acceptSessionJoiner - A service uses this callback to accept or reject peers that have sent it a request to join a session.
  2. sessionJoined - The bus calls this callback when a client joins a service. This is called on the service side if it implements the SessionPortListener.

  3. SessionListener

This listener has callbacks that the service and client can implement to get notifications about who joined or left the session.

  1. sessionLost - The bus calls this callback when the last member of the session has left.

TIP: Developers might look at the service as one of the members of the session and therefore think that as long as the service is up, the session is up. This seems true logically, but actually, a session must have two or more peers. Thus, having the service up does not necessarily mean there is a session. Further, on Wi-Fi, if the session owner leaves, the session is still up, and communication can flow, but new users can now join.

  1. sessionMemberAdded - The bus calls this callback when a member is added to a multipoint session. This more frequently helps the client keep track of who joined the session.
  2. sessionMemberRemoved - Useful for tracking the member that left a session and can be used by the service and the client. The service typically has a way (using sessionJoined from the SessionPortListener) to find out who joined the session without using sessionMemberAdded. Use only sessionMemberRemoved to track who left the session.


Now that we covered the listeners, you might assume that this is easy, and that you just need to track the sessionMemberRemoved callbacks to know if a peer to whom you were talking has left the session. This is correct, but these steps can help considerably.

TIP: If set to a value < 40 seconds, the default is 40 seconds.

AllJoyn apps not detecting each other

I have two or more devices/machines on which AllJoyn apps are running. I ran everything as instructed in the documentation. Why are my devices not seeing each other?

  1. Is the AllJoyn daemon running on both devices?
  2. Are all the devices connected to the same Wi-Fi network? If using Bluetooth, make sure the devices are within range of each other.
  3. Does your Wi-Fi network block multicast packets? (This is false in most cases, but especially true in office environments.)
  4. Are you advertising a correctly formed, well-known name? Well-known names can contain letters, numbers, underscores (_), and a dot (.)
  5. Are you discovering a prefix or the correct name on the client side?
  6. If steps 1 through 5 check out, and you are still unable to discover the service on a device, ping the other device.

I installed the Java Android samples provided in the

AllJoyn SDK, but they don't work on my device or emulator.

ER_BUS_REPLY_IS_ERROR_MESSAGE and "Invalid busname" errors

I am trying to advertise a name over AllJoyn but it gives me ER_BUS_REPLY_IS_ERROR_MESSAGE and an error "Invalid busname."

The AllJoyn framewrok uses the DBus wire protocol and thus has predefined rules on how to form names. Follow these rules when choosing a name to be advertised:

The same rules apply when requesting a well-known name on the bus.

Efficiently sending large amounts of data

The AllJoyn framework has three ways to send data across to a peer.

Method calls suit short reply response interactions. However, for something like transferring a file, the overhead is greater for making a call and getting a response than it is for signals.

Signals are unidirectional. A sender just places data in the body of the signal and sends it. This is useful considering the maximum amount of data one can send in an AllJoyn message is 128 Kb. If the file size is smaller, any of the methods to send data are fine. But, if the file size is greater, a good practice is to break the data into chunks and send it using signals.

Raw sockets is an evolving concept in the AllJoyn framework. The idea is to obtain a raw socket to which you can write data, and the peer can read it as it would from a regular socket. When using Java bindings for AllJoyn, one thing to note is that the raw Java socket returned by the AllJoyn framework is a non-blocking socket, so one should avoid writing a large amount of data rapidly on this socket. Sending 255 bytes at a time is recommended.

App hangs when using the AllJoyn framework

A few possibilities:

Multiple bus attachments in one application

Android emulator support

If you installed one instance of an AllJoyn app on an Android emulator and another instance on a physical device/different machine/host machine/any other supported platform, your apps will not be able communicate with each other.

In terms of networking, the Android emulator acts like a closed black box. It does not let you form TCP connections outside the emulator. The AllJoyn framework has few networking components like using multicast for discovering other devices that have the AllJoyn framewrok running on them. This, coupled with other restrictions on the emulator, make it impossible for an AllJoyn app to talk to anything outside the emulator. You can always have multiple instances of AllJoyn apps talking to each other inside the emulator, but not across the emulator.

How to allow/disallow access to my session

The AllJoyn framework provides the ability to allow/disallow access to a session in the AcceptSessionJoiner callback. The only information you have at this time is the sessionPort and joinerId, the user's busId. If you require more checks in order to allow access, gather information out-of-band.

Two suggestions follow:

Single auto-joining session

The AllJoyn framework has a unique guid that is associated with a busAttachment. A simple algorithm is to append onto the advertisements "_"+ <busAttachment>.getGlobalGUIDString(). Then, when you discover wellKnownNames, use a simple algorithm of highest (or lowest) GUID value and join that session. Now all app instances have a way to use a single multi-point session.

NOTE: If you build this type of system, keep in mind an edge case where devices are coming and going very frequently which means sessions are being joined/left very frequently. In this scenario, a single session that is auto-joined is not ideal. It's worth rethinking the application and providing a UI where users can select the sessions to join.

AllJoyn Router Node Service on Windows 10

Windows 10 includes native support for AllJoyn 14.06. In the Windows 10 Technical Preview build, you can use the built-in AllJoyn router node service which means that your desktop applications don't need to bundle an AllJoyn router node, and you don't need to run a stand-alone router node application in order to run AllJoyn desktop applications.

In Windows 10 Technical Preview builds, the AllJoyn router node service(AJRouter.dll) must be started manually as follows from an elevated command prompt: net start ajrouter

If you need to stop the router node service, you can either reboot your PC, or execute the following command from an elevated command prompt: net stop ajrouter

More information about AllJoyn integration in Windows will be available in future releases of the AllSeen SDK for Windows.