Notification Service API Guide - Objective-C

Using the Notification Service

There are two ways to use the Notification Service, as a Producer and as Consumer. The power of the Notification service is its simplicity and ability to allow devices to "talk" to end users to provide meaningful information.

The Notification Producer side of an application is responsible for sending a sessionless signal that contains a small amount of text with some optional values. This text is intended to be rendered on any device that contains the Consumer side of the Notification Service.

The Notification Consumer side of an application is responsible for registering to receive the sessionless signal from any application that supports the Producer side of the Notification service.

An application can be a consumer, a producer, or both.

Reference code

Source code

Component Description
AllJoyn™ The AllJoyn Standard Library code
NotificationService Notification service framework code
ServiceCommons Code that is common to the AllJoyn service frameworks
SampleApps Code that is common to the AllJoyn service framework sample applications

Reference iOS application code

Application Description
NotificationService An iOS application of both a producer and consumer.


Follow the steps in the Building iOS/OS X section to get your environment and project setup to use the AllJoyn™ framework and the Notification Service.

Build a Notification Producer

The following steps provide the high-level process to build a Notification Producer.

  1. Create the base for the AllJoyn application.
  2. Implement the ProperyStore and use this with the AboutService in server mode.
  3. Initialize the Notification service framework and create a Producer.
  4. Create a notification, populate the necessary fields, and use the Producer to send the notification.

Build a Notification Consumer

The following steps provide the high-level process to build a Notification Consumer.

  1. Create the base for the AllJoyn application.
  2. Create a class that implements the NotificationReceiver.
  3. Initialize the Notification service framework and provide the receiver implementation.
  4. Start receiving notifications.

Producing Notifications

General AllJoyn Setup

Initialize the AllJoyn framework

See the Building iOS/OSX section for instructions to set up the AllJoyn framework.

Create bus attachment

AJNBusAttachment* bus = [[AJNBusAttachment alloc]
initWithApplicationName:@"CommonServiceApp" allowRemoteMessages:true];
[bus start];

About Feature Setup

Create a PropertyStore and fill it with the needed values

self.aboutPropertyStoreImpl = [[QASAboutPropertyStoreImpl alloc]
   init]; setAppId:[[NSUUID UUID] UUIDString];
[self.aboutPropertyStoreImpl setAppName:@"NotificationApp"];
[self.aboutPropertyStoreImpl setDeviceId:@"1231232145667745675477"];
[self.aboutPropertyStoreImpl setDeviceName:@"Screen"];
NSArray* languages = @[@"en", @"sp", @"de"];

Start the About Service

self.aboutService = [QASAboutServiceApi sharedInstance];
[self.aboutService startWithBus:self.busAttachment

Create Notification Producer

Initialize the Notification service framework

  AJNSNotificationService *producerService;
  // Initialize a AJNSNotificationService object
  self.producerService =  [[AJNSNotificationService alloc] init];

Start the Notification producer, providing the bus attachment

and About property store implementation

  AJNSNotificationSender *Sender;
  // Call initSend
  self.Sender = [self.producerService startSendWithBus:self.busAttachment
  if (!self.Sender) {
      [self.logger fatalTag:[[self class] description]
        text:@"Could not initialize Sender"];
      return ER_FAIL;

Create a Notification

Required parameters are Message Type and Notification Text

  AJNSNotification *notification;
  self.notification = [[AJNSNotification alloc] initWithMessageType:self.messageType

Set the DeviceId DeviceName AppId AppName and Sender so that applications that receive and consumer the notification know where it came from and who sent it.

  [self.notification setDeviceId:nil];
  [self.notification setDeviceName:nil];
  [self.notification setAppId:nil];
  [self.notification setAppName:self.appName];
  [self.notification setSender:nsender];

Send the Notification

Provide a valid TTL.

  QStatus sendStatus = [self.Sender send:self.notification ttl:nttl];
  if (sendStatus != ER_OK) {
    [self.logger infoTag:[[self class] description]
       text:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Send has failed"]];
  else {
    [self.logger infoTag:[[self class] description]
       text:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Successfully sent!"]];

Advanced Features

Consuming Notifications

General AllJoyn Setup

Initialize the AllJoyn framework

See the Building iOS/OSX section for instructions to set up the AllJoyn framework.

Create bus attachment

AJNBusAttachment* bus = [[AJNBusAttachment alloc]
initWithApplicationName:@"CommonServiceApp" allowRemoteMessages:true];
[bus start];

About Feature Setup

Create Notification Consumer

Initialize the Notification service framework

  AJNSNotificationService *consumerService;
  self.consumerService = [AJNSNotificationService sharedInstance];

Implement the notificationReceiver interface (receive and

dismissMsgId methods)

  - (void)receive:(AJNSNotification *)ajnsNotification
    // application logic to handle the received notification

  - (void)dismissMsgId:(const int32_t)msgId appId:(NSString*) appId
    // application logic to handle the dismissed notification

Start the Notification consumer, providing the bus attachment

and Notification receiver

  // Call "initReceive"
  status = [self.consumerService startReceive:self.busAttachment
  if (status != ER_OK) {
    [self.logger fatalTag:[[self class] description]
       text:@"Could not initialize receiver"];
    return ER_FAIL;

Refer to the Notification Service Sample App source code and API documentation for examples and more details.