Notification API Guide - C++
Reference code
Source code
Package | Description |
AllJoyn™ | The Standard Client AllJoyn code |
AboutService | About feature code |
NotificationService | Notification service framework code |
Services Common | Code that is common to the AllJoyn™ service frameworks |
Sample Apps | Code that is common to the AllJoyn service framework sample applications |
Reference C++ application code
Application | Description |
Producer Basic | Basic application that sends a hard-coded notification. |
Consumer Service | Simple consumer application that displayed received notifications. |
Obtain the Notification service framework
See the Building Linux section for instructions on compiling the Notification service framework.
Build a Notification Producer
The following steps provide the high-level process to build a Notification Producer.
- Create the base for the AllJoyn application.
- Implement the ProperyStore and use this with the AboutService in server mode. See the About API Guide for instructions.
- Initialize the Notification service and create a Producer.
- Create a notification, populate the necessary fields, and use the Producer to send the notification.
Build a Notification Consumer
The following steps provide the high-level process to build a Notification Consumer.
- Create the base for the AllJoyn application.
- Create a class that implements the NotificationReceiver.
- Initialize the Notification service and provide the receiver implementation.
- Start receiving notifications.
Setting up the AllJoyn framework and About feature
The steps required for this service framework are universal to all applications that use the AllJoyn framework and for any application using one or more AllJoyn service frameworks. Prior to use of the Notification service framework as a Producer or Consumer, the About feature must be implemented and the AllJoyn framework set up.
Complete the procedures in the following sections to guide you in this process:
- Building Linux section
- About API Guide
Implementing a Notification Producer
Initialize the AllJoyn framework
See the Building Linux section for instructions to set up the AllJoyn framework.
Create bus attachment
Start the AboutService in service mode
The Notification producer depends on the About feature.
For more information about the About feature, see the About API Guide.
Create a PropertyStore and fill it with the needed values
propertyStore = new AboutPropertyStoreImpl();
std::vector<qcc::String> languages(3);
languages[0] = "en";
languages[1] = "sp";
languages[2] = "fr";
DeviceNamesType::const_iterator iter = deviceNames.find(languages[0]);
if (iter != deviceNames.end()) {
CHECK_RETURN(propertyStore->setDeviceName(iter->second.c_str(), languages[0]));
} else {
CHECK_RETURN(propertyStore->setDeviceName("My device name", "en"));
iter = deviceNames.find(languages[1]);
if (iter != deviceNames.end()) {
CHECK_RETURN(propertyStore->setDeviceName(iter->second.c_str(), languages[1]));
} else {
CHECK_RETURN(propertyStore->setDeviceName("Mi nombre de dispositivo",
iter = deviceNames.find(languages[2]);
if (iter != deviceNames.end()) {
CHECK_RETURN(propertyStore->setDeviceName(iter->second.c_str(), languages[2]));
} else {
CHECK_RETURN(propertyStore->setDeviceName("Mon nom de l'appareil", "fr"));
Implement a BusListener and SessionPortListener
In order to bind a SessionPort and accept sessions, a new class must be created that inherits from the AllJoyn BusListener and SessionPortListener classes.
The class must contain the following function:
bool AcceptSessionJoiner(SessionPort sessionPort,
const char* joiner, const
SessionOpts& opts)
The AcceptSessionJoiner function will be called any time a joinsession request is received; the Listener class needs to dictate whether the joinsession request should be accepted or rejected by returning true or false, respectively. These considerations are application-specific and can include any of the following:
- The SessionPort the request was made on
- Specific SessionOpts limitations
- The number of sessions already joined.
Here is an example of a full class declaration for the listener class.
class CommonBusListener : public ajn::BusListener,
public ajn::SessionPortListener {
public: CommonBusListener();
bool AcceptSessionJoiner(ajn::SessionPort sessionPort,
const char* joiner, const ajn::SessionOpts& opts);
void setSessionPort(ajn::SessionPort sessionPort);
ajn::SessionPort getSessionPort();
ajn::SessionPort m_SessionPort;
#### Instantiate the BusListener and initialize the About feature
busListener = new CommonBusListener(); AboutServiceApi::Init(*bus, *propertyStore);
AboutServiceApi* aboutService = AboutServiceApi::getInstance();
TransportMask transportMask = TRANSPORT_ANY; SessionPort sp = port;
SessionOpts opts(SessionOpts::TRAFFIC_MESSAGES, false, SessionOpts::PROXIMITY_ANY, transportMask);
bus->BindSessionPort(sp, opts, *busListener);
Initialize the Notification service framework
NotificationService* prodService = NotificationService::getInstance()
Start the Notification producer
Start the Notification service framework and pass it the bus attachment and the newly created PropertyStore.
Sender = prodService->initSend(bus, propertyStoreImpl);
Send a notification
Prepare the text per language to be sent
NotificationText textToSend1("en", "The fridge door is open");
NotificationText textToSend2("de", "Die Kuhlschranktur steht offen");
std::vector<NotificationText> vecMessages;
Create a notification object
Create a notification object where you can set all the optional fields such as an audio URL, etc.
Notification notification(messageType, vecMessages);
Notification optional parameters
The following optional parameters can be added to the notification.
- Icon URL
Set an icon URL that can be used to display along with the notification.
- Audio URL
Set an audio URL that can be used to enrich the notification. Each audio URL is set per language.
richAudioUrl audio1("en", "");
richAudioUrl audio2("de", "");
std::vector<RichAudioUrl> richAudioUrl;
- Icon object path
Set an icon object path so that the receiver can fetch the content of the icon to display along with the notification.
- Audio object path
Set an audio object path so that the receiver can fetch the audio content to play along with the notification.
- Control Panel Service object path
Set a response object path that can be used to interact with a bus object to allow the user to perform a control action as a result of a notification.
Send the notification
status = Sender->send(notification, TTL);
Delete the last message
Once a notification was eligible for delivery and the application writer wants to cancel it, for example, if the notification was sent for an event that no longer occurs, and the TTL is still valid, the deleteLastMsg API can be used to delete the last notification for a given messageType.
Implementing a Notification Consumer
Initialize the AllJoyn framework
See the Building Linux section for instructions to set up the AllJoyn framework.
Create bus attachment
Initialize the Notification service framework
conService = NotificationService::getInstance();
Start the Notification consumer
Implement the notificationReceiver interface
The notificationReceiver interface has a Receive method that gets a notificationObject as an argument.
When a notification is received by the Notification service framework, it will call the Receive method of the implemented notificationReceiver interface with the notification.
public void Receive(ajn::services::Notification const& notification);
The notificationObject has "getters" for all notification arguments that were sent in the message. Arguments that describe the device and the app it was received from follow.
const char* getDeviceId() const;
const char* getDeviceName() const;
const char* getAppId() const;
const char* getAppName() const;
Arguments that describe the message follow.
const int32_t getMessageId() const;
const NotificationMessageType getMessageType() const;
Arguments that give the content of the message follow.
const std::vector<NotificationText>& getText() const;
const char* getRichIconUrl() const;
const char* getRichIconObjectPath() const;
const char* getRichAudioObjectPath() const;
const std::vector<RichAudioUrl>& getRichAudioUrl() const;
const char* getControlPanelServiceObjectPath() const;
The Notification Producer interface has a dismiss method that is used to dismiss notification.
An application can choose to dismiss the notification, thereby removing the notificartion from all entities in the proximal area.
An application that wants to dismiss a notification must call
the QStatus dismiss()
At void 'derived of NotificationReceiver'::receive(Notification conast& notification)
Create the actual object.
receiver = new NotificationReceiverTestImpl();
For more details, refer to the API documentation.
The notificationReceiver interface has a dismiss method that gets called when the receiver gets a dismiss signal.
virtual void Dismiss(const int32_t msgId, const qcc::String appId) = 0;
This method also must be implemented by the derived class.
When the method is called, the application must dismiss the notification it holds.
The identifiers to the notification are - mgsId and appId which are the parameters of the method
Start the consumer
Start the consumer and pass it the bus attachment and the notificationReceiver implmented in Implement the notificationReceiver interface.
conService->initReceive(busAttachment, Receiver);