Configuration API Guide - Java

Reference code

Classes used to maintain/provide ConfigData

Server class Description
ConfigService Class that implements the org.alljoyn.Config interface.
PropertyStore Interface that supplies the list of properties required for GetConfigurations() and enables user manipulation of their values via UpdateConfigurations() and ResetConfigurations().

Classes used to remotely manipulate ConfigData

Client class Description
ConfigClient Helper class for discovering About Server that provides access to the Announcements and to the AboutService. It listens for Announcements sent using the org.alljoyn.About interface.

Obtain the Configuration service framework

See the Building Android section for instructions on compiling the Configuration service framework.

Build an application that uses Config Server

The following steps provide the high-level process to build an application that will maintain ConfigData.

  1. Create the base for the AllJoyn™ application.
  2. Implement PropertyStore to produce a ConfigStore. (See Create a PropertyStore implementation.)
  3. Instantiate a ConfigStore.
  4. Initialize the AboutService in server mode.
  5. Implement the callbacks required by the Config Server.
  6. Initialize the ConfigService in server mode, providing it with the ConfigStore and callbacks.

Build an application that uses Config Client

The following steps provide the high-level process to build an application that will remotely manipulate ConfigData.

  1. Create the base for the AllJoyn application.
  2. Initialize the AboutService in client mode.
  3. Initialize the ConfigService in client mode.
  4. Create a ConfigClient to interact with an announced Config Server.

Setting up the AllJoyn framework and About feature

The steps required for this service framework are universal to all applications that use the AllJoyn framework and for any application using one or more AllJoyn service framework. Prior to use of the Configuration service framework as a Config Server or Config Client, the About feature must be implemented and the AllJoyn framework set up.

Complete the procedures in the following sections to guide you in this process:

Implementing an Application that Uses Config Server

Implementing a Config Server requires creating and registering an instance of the ConfigService class. Any application using Config Server also requires an About Server to facilitate the discovery via Announcements.

NOTE: Verify the BusAttachment has been created, started and connected before implementing the ConfigService. See the About API Guide for the code snippets. Code in this section references a variable mBus (the BusAttachment variable name).

Declare listener class

Declare a listener class to receive the SessionPortListener callback.

Typically, an AcceptSessionJoiner callback in SessionPortListener has a check to allow or disallow access. Since the AboutService requires access to any application using AboutClient, return true when this callback is triggered. Use the SessionJoined handler to set the session timeout to 20 seconds.

class MyListener implements SessionPortListener {
   boolean acceptSessionJoiner( short sessionPort, String joiner, SessionOpts opts ) {
      return true;

   void sessionJoined( short sessionPort, int id, String joiner ) {
      uint32_t timeout = 20;
      Status status = mBus.SetLinkTimeout(id, timeout);

Bind session port

NOTE: This step is not mandatory if you are only sending an announcement.

To allow incoming connections, the formation of a session is needed. The AllJoyn framework must be told that connections are allowed.

final Mutable.ShortValue sPort = new Mutable.ShortValue((short)0);

SessionOpts sessionOpts = new SessionOpts();
sessionOpts.traffic = SessionOpts.TRAFFIC_MESSAGES;
sessionOpts.isMultipoint = true;
sessionOpts.proximity = SessionOpts.PROXIMITY_ANY;
sessionOpts.transports = SessionOpts.TRANSPORT_ANY;

Status status = m_bus.bindSessionPort(sPort, sessionOpts, new SessionPortListener()
      public boolean acceptSessionJoiner(short sessionPort, String joiner, SessionOpts sessionOpts) {
         if (sessionPort == sPort.value) {
            return true;
         } else {
            return false;

         public void sessionJoined(short sessionPort, int id, String joiner){

String.format("SessionPortListener.sessionJoined(%d, %d, %s)", sessionPort, id, joiner));

String logMessage = String.format("BusAttachment.bindSessionPort(%d, %s): %s",
sPort.value, sessionOpts.toString(), status);
Log.d(TAG, logMessage);

Create a PropertyStore implementation

The PropertyStore interface is required by the AboutService to store the provisioned values for the About interface data fields. See the About Interface Definition for more information.

The ProperyStore interface is also required by the ConfigService to store and facilitate manipulation of some updateable fields (listed in [Config interface data fields][config-interface-data-fields. See the [Configuration Interface Definition]config-interface-definition for more information.

Config interface data fields

Field name Required Signature
DefaultLanguage yes s
DeviceName yes s

NOTE: Any changes made to these fields should be written to a shared provisioning file. See the About API Guide for more information.

Sample ConfigStore implementation

An example PropertyStore implementation (ConfigStore) is provided below that specifies the following dictionary of metadata fields:

This implementation extends the example AboutStore implementation in the About API Guide and is passed to the AboutService instead of AboutStore.

public class ConfigStore implements PropertyStore
   private Map < String, Map < String, Object > > m_DefaultMap = new HashMap
< String, Map < String, Object > >();
   private Set < String > m_AnnounceKeys = new HashSet < String >();
   private Set < String >   m_WriteableKeys = new HashSet < String >();
   private Map < String, Map < String, Object > > m_DataMap = new HashMap <
String, Map < String, Object > >();

   public ConfigStore(Map < String, Map < String, Object > > defaultMap)
      m_DefaultMap = defaultMap;

      // Initialize set of Announce keys m_AnnounceKeys.add("AppId");

      // Initialize set of Writable keys m_WriteableKeys.add("DefaultLanguage");

      // Load default values loadDefaults();

      // Load override values loadConfigurations();

   public void readAll(String languageTag, Filter filter, Map<String, Object> dataMap)
         throws PropertyStoreException {
if (dataMap == null) {
         throw new
      languageTag = checkLanguage(languageTag);
      for (Entry<String, Map<String, Object>> entry :
m_DataMap.entrySet()) {
         if (entry.getValue().containsKey(languageTag))
            String lang = "";
            if (entry.getValue().containsKey(languageTag)) {
               lang = languageTag;
         switch (filter)
         case READ:
         case ANNOUNCE:
            if (m_AnnounceKeys.contains(entry.getKey()))
         case WRITE:
            if (m_WriteableKeys.contains(entry.getKey()))

public void reset(String key, String languageTag) throws
PropertyStoreException {
   languageTag = checkLanguage(languageTag);
   if (!m_DataMap.containsKey(key)) {
      throw new PropertyStoreException();


public void resetAll() throws PropertyStoreException {

public void update(String key, String languageTag, Object newValue)
   throws PropertyStoreException { languageTag = checkLanguage(languageTag);
   if (!m_DataMap.containsKey(key))
      throw new
   m_DataMap.get(key).put(languageTag, newValue);

   private String checkLanguage(String languageTag) throws
      if (languageTag == null) {
         throw new
      if (languageTag.isEmpty()) {
         return (String) m_DataMap.get("DefaultLanguage").get("");
(((Set<String>)m_DataMap.get("SupportedLanguages").get("")).contains(languageTa g)) {
         throw new
   return languageTag;

private void loadDefaults()

private void loadConfigurations()
   // Implement your persistence of Config fields here

private void saveConfigurations()
   // Implement your persistence of Config fields here


Provision ConfigStore instance with default values

In the application, the ConfigStore instance which you created will be loaded with the default values. In the sample implementation above, the ConfigStore instance will be provided with a default values map.

Map < String, Map < String, Object > defaultMap = new HashMap < String, Map < String, Object > >();
// Populate map with fields' names and values.
Map < String, Object > defaultDeviceName = new HashMap <String, Object>();
defaultValue.put("", "MyDevice");// An empty string means non-language specific field.
defaultMap.put("DeviceName", defaultDeviceName);
Map < String, Object > defaultLanguage = new HashMap <String, Object>();
defaultValue.put("", "en");// An empty string means non-language specific field.
defaultMap.put("DefaultLanguage", defaultLanguage);
Map < String, Object > deviceId = new HashMap <String, Object>();
deviceId.put(mBus. getGlobalGUIDString(), "en");
// An empty string means non- language specific field.
defaultMap.put("DeviceId", deviceId);
PropertyStore aboutStore = new AboutStore(defaultMap);

The following subsections highlight provisioning fields according to their data type.

AppId field

The AppId field is an array of bytes. It is a globally unique identifier (GUID) encoded as an array of 16 bytes.

UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();
Map < String, Object > defaultAppId = new HashMap <String, Object>();
defaultAppId.put("", TransportUtil.uuidToByteArray(uuid));
defaultMap.put("AppId", defaultAppId);

SupportedLanguages field

The SupportedLanguages field is a list of text strings. Some fields can have language-dependent value that must be provided for each of the supported languages.

String [] supportedLanguages = { "en", "fr" };
Map < String, Object > defaultSupportedLanguages = new HashMap <String, Object>();
defaultSupportedLanguages.put("", supportedLanguages);

Non-language-specific fields

Non-language-specific fields support a single supplied text string. Below is an example for the ModelNumber field on how to insert into the ConfigStore. The code below can be used with the field name being replaced by other field names listed in Config interface data fields.

Map < String, Object > defaultModelNumber = new HashMap <String, Object>();
defaultModelNumber.put("", "MN-123");");// An empty string means non-language specific field.
defaultMap.put("ModelNumber", defaultModelNumber);

Language-dependent fields

Language-dependent fields support a single supplied text string. Below is an example for the Description field on how to insert into the PropertyStore. The code below can be used with the field name being replaced by other field names listed in Config interface data fields.

Map < String, Object > defaultDescription = new HashMap <String, Object>();
defaultDescription.put("en", "The description in English");
defaultDescription.put("fr", "La description en francais");
defaultMap.put("AppId", defaultDescription);

Establish the AboutService in Server mode

For an application to provide Config Server, it requires to Announce its interface via an About Server. AboutServiceImpl is an implementation wrapper around AllJoyn native calls that handle the interactions between About Server and About Client. For more details, see the content in Provision PropertyStore instance with default values through Send the Announcement in the About API Guide.

AboutService aboutService = AboutServiceImpl.getInstance();
aboutService.startAboutServer(sPort.value, configStore, mBus);

Create the ConfigService object

For an application to receive and modify ConfigData, it requires an instance of the ConfigService class. ConfigServiceImpl is an implementation wrapper around AllJoyn native calls that handle the interactions with the Config Server.

ConfigService configService = ConfigServiceImpl.getInstance();

Start Server mode

Perform the following tasks to start Server mode.

Implement application callbacks

Before starting in server mode, a few application callbacks must be implemented that allow reaction to changes in various field values.

ConfigChangeListener configChangeListener = new ConfigChangeListener()
   public void onConfigChanged(Map<String, Variant> newConfiguration, String languageTag)
      // Perform any action that depends on configuration value changes. E.g. propagate a changed DeviceName to other services that may consume it.
   public void onResetConfiguration(String language, String[] fieldNames)
      // Perform any action that depends on configuration value changes. E.g. propagate a reset DeviceName to other services that may consume it.
RestartHandler restartHandler = new RestartHandler()
   public void restart()
      // Restart application disconnecting and reconnecting to the
AllJoyn network.
FactoryResetHandler factoryResetHandler = new FactoryResetHandler()
   public void doFactoryReset()
      configStore.resetAll(); // Reset the ConfigStore restoring default factory values.
         // Perform any other reset logic related to the AllJoyn services
PassphraseChangedListener passphraseChangeListener = new
   public void onPassphraseChanged(byte[] passphrase)
      // Perform any other passphrase change logic related to the application.

Start the ConfigService in Server mode

Once the callbacks are initialized, the Configuration service framework can be started. Register the relevant BusObjects, add the relevant interfaces to the Announcement's ObjectDescription and register the callbacks.

configService.startConfigServer(aboutStore, configChangeListener,
restartHandler, factoryResetHandler, passphraseChangeListener, mBus);

Register SetPasswordHandler

A SetPasswordHandler is required to be registered with the ConfigService in order to handler remote calls to set a new password as the secret for the key exchange encryption mechanism.

SetPasswordHandler setPasswordHandler = new SetPasswordHandler() {
   public void setPassword(String peerName, char[] password)
      // Store new credentials
      // Clear all current encryption keys that were generated from the current passphrase.

Send the Announcement


Unregister and delete ConfigService and BusAttachment

When your process is done with the ConfigService and no longer wishes to send announcements, unregister the process from the AllJoyn bus and then delete variables used.

if( configService != null ) {
if( aboutService != null ) {
if( mBus != null) {
   mBus = null;

Implementing an Application that Uses Config Client

To implement an application to receive and modify ConfigData, use the ConfigClient class. The AboutClient class must be used so that your application is notified when applications with About Server and possibly Config Server instances can send announcements.

Verify the BusAttachment has been created, started and connected before implementing a Config Client. See the About API Guide for the code snippets. Code in this chapter references a variable mBus (the BusAttachment variable name).

Establish the AboutService object

For an application to discover peer applications that are ConfigService providers, it requires an instance of the AboutService class running in Client mode. AboutServiceImpl is an implementation wrapper around AllJoyn native calls that handle the interactions with the About Server. The following is an aggregation of the content in Create the AboutService object through Set up ability to receive the Announce signal of the About API Guide.

AboutService aboutService = AboutServiceImpl.getInstance();
MyAnnouncementHandler announceHandler = new MyAnnouncementHandler();
aboutService.addAnnouncementHandler(announceHandler, new String[]
   { "org.alljoyn.Config" });

Create the ConfigService object

For an application to receive and modify ConfigData, it requires an instance of the ConfigService class. ConfigServiceImpl is an implementation wrapper around AllJoyn native calls that handle the interactions with the Config Server.

ConfigService configService = ConfigServiceImpl.getInstance();

Start Client mode


Engage with a peer ConfigService

Perform the following tasks to engage with a peer ConfigService whose Announcement was received.

Create ConfigClient

Generate an instance of ConfigClient to receive and send ConfigData to and from a peer Config Server whose Announcement was received in the onAnnouncement() implementation of your MyAnnouncementHandler instance. The following is an example implementation of the call shown in Implement AnnounceHandler class of the About API Guide.

private void engageWithPeer(Short port, String peerName, BusObjectDescription[]
interfaces, Map<String, Object> announceMap) {
   MyAvailabilityListener availabilityListener = new
   ConfigClient configClient = configService.createFeatureConfigClient
(peerName, availabilityListener, port);

Request the ConfigData

The updateable ConfigData is requested through the ConfigClient via the GetConfigurations() method call. The structure that is returned can be iterated through to determine the contents. The content definition is found in the Configuration Interface Definition.

Map <String, Variant> configMap =

Update the ConfigData

The received data can be updated through the ConfigClient via the UpdateConfigurations() method call. The structure that was returned by GetConfigurations() can be iterated through to determine the contents. The content definition is found in the Configuration Interface Definition.

configMap.put("DefaultLanaguge", new Variant("fr", "s");
configClient.UpdateConfigurations((String)announceMap.get("DefaultLanguage"), configMap);

Reset the ConfigData

The ConfigData can be reset to default through the ConfigClient via the ResetConfigurations() method call. The structure that was returned by GetConfigurations() can be iterated through to determine the list of reset fields. The content definition is found in the Configuration Interface Definition.

String [] fieldsToReset = new String [] { "DeviceName" };
configClient.ResetConfigurations((String)announceMap.get("DefaultLanguage"), fieldsToReset);

Reset the peer device application to factory defaults

The peer device/application configuration can be reset to factory defaults through the ConfigClient via the FactoryReset() method call.

NOTE: This is a no-reply call, so its success cannot be determined directly.


Restart the peer

The peer application can be restarted though the ConfigClient via the Restart() method call.

NOTE: This is a no-reply call, so its success cannot be determined directly.


Setting a passcode on the peer

The peer application can be set to have a different passcode through the ConfigClient via the SetPasscode() method call. This revokes the current encryption keys and regenerates new ones based on the new shared secret, namely the passcode.

NOTE: The realm name is currently ignored.

byte [] passcode = new byte [] { 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06 };
configClient.SetPasscode("", passcode);
// Revoke current encryption key that was based on the previous passcode. StringValue peerGuid = new StringValue();
Status status = m_Bus.getPeerGUID(m_currentPeer.deviceName, peerGuid);

Delete variables and unregister listeners

Once you are done using the About feature, Configuration service framework, and the AllJoyn framework, free the variables used in the application.

if(configClient != null) {
if(configService != null) {
if(aboutService != null) {
if(mBus != null) {
   mBus = null;