About API Guide - iOS

Reference code

The reference code consists of service and client implementations of the About feature.

Classes used to send AboutData

Service class Description
AboutService Class the implements the org.alljoyn.About interface.
AboutIconService Class that implements the org.alljoyn.Icon interface.
PropertyStore Interface that supplies the list of properties required for Announce signal payload and GetAboutData().

Classes used to receive AboutData

Client class Description
AboutClient Helper class for discovering About Service that provides access to the Announcements and to the AboutService. It listens for Announcements sent using the org.alljoyn.About interface.
AboutIconClient Helper class that provides access to the AboutIconService.

Obtain the About feature

See the Building iOS/OS X section for instructions on compiling the About feature.

Build an application that uses About Service

The following steps provide the high-level process to build an application that will broadcast AboutData.

  1. Create the base for the AllJoyn™ application.
  2. Implement PropertyStore to produce an AboutData. (See Create a PropertyStore Implementation.)
  3. Instantiate a PropertyStore.
  4. Create and register the AboutService, providing it with the PropertyStore.
  5. Announce the AboutService.

Build an application that uses About Client

The following steps provide the high-level process to build an application that will receive AboutData.

  1. Create the base for the AllJoyn application.
  2. Create and register an AnnouncementReceiver providing it with the AnnounceListener.
  3. Create and use the AboutClient.

Setting Up the AllJoyn Framework

Every AllJoyn application requires a base set to be in place before implementing specific features that include creating a BusAttachment and connecting to the AllJoyn framework.

Create instance of BusAttachment

self.clientBusAttachment = [[AJNBusAttachment alloc]
initWithApplicationName:APPNAME allowRemoteMessages:ALLOWREMOTEMESSAGES];

Create password for the bundled router

NOTE: Thin libraries at AllSeen Alliance version 14.06 or higher do not require this step.

To allow thin libraries to connect to the bundled router, the router requires a password.

[AJNPasswordManager setCredentialsForAuthMechanism:@"ALLJOYN_PIN_KEYX" usingPassword:@"000000"];

Start and connect the BusAttachment

Once created, the BusAttachment must be connected to the AllJoyn framework.

[self.clientBusAttachment connectWithArguments:@""];

The application should advertise the router so that the thin library can find it and connect to it.

[self.clientBusAttachment requestWellKnownName:@"quiet@org.alljoyn.BusNode.AboutService withFlags:kAJNBusNameFlagDoNotQueue];

[clientBusAttachment advertiseName:@"quiet@org.alljoyn.BusNode.AboutService.542e8562-e29b-89c2-b456-

Implementing an Application that Uses AboutService

Implementing an About Service requires creating and registering an instance of the AboutService class.

NOTE: Verify the BusAttachment has been created, started and connected before implementing the AboutService. See Setting Up the AllJoyn Framework for the code snippets. Code in this chapter references a variable clientBusAttachment (the BusAttachment variable name).

Declare listener class

Typically, a shouldAcceptSessionJoinerNamed:onSessionPort withSessionOptions: callback in SessionPortListener has a check to allow or disallow access. Since the AboutService requires access to any application using AboutClient with a specific port, return true when this callback is triggered.

self.aboutSessionPortListener = [[CommonBusListener alloc]

self.serviceBusAttachment registerBusListener:self.aboutSessionPortListener];

Bind session port

NOTE: This step is not mandatory if you are only sending an announcement. To allow incoming connections, the formation of a session is needed. The AllJoyn framework must be told that connections are allowed.

AJNSessionOptions *opt = [[AJNSessionOptions alloc] 
   supportsMultipoint:false proximity:kAJNProximityAny 

serviceStatus = [self.serviceBusAttachment 
   bindSessionOnPort:1000 withOptions:opt 

Create a PropertyStore implementation

The PropertyStore interface is required by the AboutService to store the provisioned values for the About interface data fields (listed in About interface data fields). See the About Interface Definition for more information.

NOTE: It is recommended that OEMs create a shared provisioning file that includes the DefaultLanguage, DeviceName, and DeviceID fields. This file can be used by developers to manage these fields in the AllJoyn services that make use of them.

About interface data fields

Field name Required Announced Signature
AppId yes yes ay
DefaultLanguage yes yes s
DeviceName yes yes
DeviceId yes yes s
AppName yes yes s
Manufacturer yes yes s
ModelNumber yes yes s
SupportedLanguages yes no as
Description yes no s
DateofManufacture no no s
SoftwareVersion yes no s
AJSoftwareVersion yes no s
HardwareVersion no no s
SupportUrl no no s

Sample PropertyStore implementation

An example PropertyStore implementation is provided below that specifies the following dictionary of metadata fields:

- (QStatus)fillAboutPropertyStoreImplData
   QStatus status;

   // AppId
   status = [self.aboutPropertyStoreImpl setAppId:self.uniqueID];
   if (status != ER_OK) {
      return status;

   // AppName
   status = [self.aboutPropertyStoreImpl setAppName:@"AboutConfig"];
   if (status != ER_OK) {
   return status;

   // DeviceId
   status = [self.aboutPropertyStoreImpl setDeviceId:@"123375477"];
   if (status != ER_OK) {
      return status;

   // DeviceName
   status = [self.aboutPropertyStoreImpl setDeviceName:@"Screen"];
   if (status != ER_OK) {
      return status;

   // SupportedLangs
   NSArray *languages = @[@"en", @"sp", @"fr"];
   status = [self.aboutPropertyStoreImpl setSupportedLangs:languages];
   if (status != ER_OK) {
      return status;

   //   DefaultLang
   status = [self.aboutPropertyStoreImpl setDefaultLang:@"en"];
   if (status != ER_OK) {
      return status;

   //   ModelNumber
   status = [self.aboutPropertyStoreImpl setModelNumber:@"Wxfy388i"];
   if (status != ER_OK) {
      return status;

   //   DateOfManufacture
   status = [self.aboutPropertyStoreImpl setDateOfManufacture:@"10/1/2199"];
   if (status != ER_OK) {
      return status;

   //   SoftwareVersion
   status = [self.aboutPropertyStoreImpl setSoftwareVersion:@"12.20.44"];
   if (status != ER_OK) {
      return status;

   //   AjSoftwareVersion
   status = [self.aboutPropertyStoreImpl setAjSoftwareVersion:[AJNVersion versionInformation]];
   if (status != ER_OK) {
      return status;

   //   HardwareVersion
   status = [self.aboutPropertyStoreImpl setHardwareVersion:@"355.499. b"];
   if (status != ER_OK) {
      return status;

   //   Description
   status = [self.aboutPropertyStoreImpl setDescription:@"This is an AllJoyn Application" 
   if (status != ER_OK) {
      return status;
   status = [self.aboutPropertyStoreImpl setDescription:@"Esta es una AllJoyn

   aplicaciĆ³n" language:@"sp"];
   if (status != ER_OK) {
      return status;
   status = [self.aboutPropertyStoreImpl setDescription:@"C'est une AllJoyn application" 
   if (status != ER_OK) {
      return status;

   //   Manufacturer
   status = [self.aboutPropertyStoreImpl setManufacturer:@"Company" language:@"en"];
   if (status != ER_OK) {
      return status;
   status = [self.aboutPropertyStoreImpl setManufacturer:@"Empresa" language:@"sp"];
   if (status != ER_OK) {
      return status;
   status = [self.aboutPropertyStoreImpl setManufacturer:@"Entreprise" language:@"fr"];
   if (status != ER_OK) {
      return status;

   //   SupportedUrl
   status = [self.aboutPropertyStoreImpl setSupportUrl:@"http://www.allseenalliance.org"];
   if (status != ER_OK) {
      return status;
      return status;

Provision PropertyStore with default values

In the application, the PropertyStore instance you created will be loaded with the default values. In the sample implementation above, the PropertyStore instance is provided with a default values map.

The following subsections highlight provisioning fields according to their data type.

AppId field

The AppId field is an array of bytes. It is a globally unique identifier (GUID) encoded as an array of 16 bytes.

self.uniqueID = [[NSUUID UUID] UUIDString]; 

[self.aboutPropertyStoreImpl setAppId:self.uniqueID];

SupportedLanguages field

The SupportedLanguages field is a list of text strings. Some fields can have a language-dependent value that must be provided for each of the supported languages.

NSArray *languages = @[@"en", @"sp", @"fr"]; 

[self.aboutPropertyStoreImpl setSupportedLangs:languages];

Non-language-specific fields

Non-language-specific fields support a single supplied text string. Following is an example for the ModelNumber field on how to insert into the PropertyStore. The code below can be used with the field name being replaced by other field names listed in About data interface fields.

[self.aboutPropertyStoreImpl setModelNumber:@"Wxfy388i"];

Language-dependent fields

Language-dependent fields support a single supplied text string. Below is an example for the Description field on how to insert into the PropertyStore. The code below can be used with the field name being replaced by other field names listed in About data interface fields.

[self.aboutPropertyStoreImpl setDescription:@"This is an AllJoyn application" language:@"en"];

[self.aboutPropertyStoreImpl setDescription:@"Esta es una AllJoyn aplicacion" language:@"sp"];

[self.aboutPropertyStoreImpl setDescription:@"C'est une AllJoyn application" language:@"fr"];

Create the AboutService object

For an application to send AboutData, it requires an instance of the AboutService class. AboutServiceImpl is an implementation wrapper around AllJoyn native calls that handle the interactions between About Service and About Client.

AboutService aboutService = AboutServiceImpl.getInstance();

Start Service mode

Register the relevant BusObjects and add the relevant interfaces to the Announcement's ObjectDescription.

[self.aboutServiceApi startWithBus:self.serviceBusAttachment 

Add an AboutIconService (optional)

An application that sends AboutData can be extended to broadcast a device. AboutServiceImpl is also an implementation wrapper around AllJoyn native calls that handle the interactions between applications that use the AboutIconClient class.

Provision for the Icon content and URL

An Icon is published directly as a byte array or a reference URL, and must be provisioned as follows:

uint8_t aboutIconContent[] = { 0x89, 0x50, 0x4E, 0x47, 0x0D, 0x0A, 0x1A, 0x0A,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0D, 0x49, 0x48, 0x44,
   0x52, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0A, 0x08, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00,

0x00, 0x02, 0x50, 0x58, 0xEA, 0x00,
   0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x67, 0x41, 0x4D, 0x41, 0x00, 0x00, 0xAF, 0xC8, 0x37, 0x05,

0x8A, 0xE9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x19,
   0x74, 0x45, 0x58, 0x74, 0x53, 0x6F, 0x66, 0x74, 0x77, 0x61, 0x72, 0x65, 0x00,

0x41, 0x64, 0x6F, 0x62, 0x65, 0x20,
   0x49, 0x6D, 0x61, 0x67, 0x65, 0x52, 0x65, 0x61, 0x64, 0x79, 0x71, 0xC9, 0x65,

0x3C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x18, 0x49,
   0x44, 0x41, 0x54, 0x78, 0xDA, 0x62, 0xFC, 0x3F, 0x95, 0x9F, 0x01, 0x37, 0x60,

0x62, 0xC0, 0x0B, 0x46, 0xAA, 0x34,
   0x40, 0x80, 0x01, 0x00, 0x06, 0x7C, 0x01, 0xB7, 0xED, 0x4B, 0x53, 0x2C, 0x00,

0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x49, 0x45, 0x4E,
   0x44, 0xAE, 0x42, 0x60, 0x82 };


NSString *mimeType = @"image/png"; /* This should correspond 
   to the content */ NSString *url = @"http://tinyurl.com/llrqvrb"; 
   /* An alternate access to the Icon

Create and register DeviceIcon object

Register the relevant BusObjects and add the relevant interfaces to the Announcement's ObjectDescription.

self.aboutIconService = [[AJNAboutIconService alloc] initWithBus:self.serviceBusAttachment 
   mimeType:mimeType url:url content:aboutIconContent csize:csize];

[self.aboutIconService registerAboutIconService];
[self.serviceBusAttachment advertiseName:([self.serviceBusAttachment uniqueName])

Send the Announcement

[self.aboutServiceApi announce];

Unregister and delete AboutService and BusAttachment

When your process is done with the AboutService and no longer wishes to send announcements, unregister the process from the AllJoyn bus and then delete variables used.

// Stop AboutIcon
[self.serviceBusAttachment unregisterBusObject:self.aboutIconService];
self.aboutIconService = nil;

// Delete AboutServiceApi [self.aboutServiceApi destroyInstance]; 
   self.aboutServiceApi = nil;

// Delete AboutPropertyStoreImpl self.aboutPropertyStoreImpl = nil;

// Bus attachment cleanup
[self.serviceBusAttachment cancelAdvertisedName:[self.serviceBusAttachment 
   uniqueName] withTransportMask:kAJNTransportMaskAny];

[self.serviceBusAttachment unbindSessionFromPort:SERVICE_PORT];

// Delete AboutSessionPortListener
[self.serviceBusAttachment unregisterBusListener:self.aboutSessionPortListener];
self.aboutSessionPortListener = nil;

// Stop bus attachment
[self.serviceBusAttachment stop];
self.serviceBusAttachment = nil;

Implementing an Application that Uses AboutClient

To implement an application to receive AboutData, use the AboutClient class. By using the AboutClient class, your application is notified when About Service instances send announcements.

Verify the BusAttachment has been created, started and connected before implementing an About Client. See Setting Up the AllJoyn Framework for the code snippets. Code in this chapter references a variable self.clientBusAttachment (the BusAttachment variable name).

Setup to receive the Announce signal

In order to receive the Announce signal from an application using AboutService, a class implementation of AJNAnnouncementListener protocol must be created.

Create class to implement AJNAnnouncementListener protocol

This declaration of a class will allow for the signals to be received. It must implement the pure virtual function Announce.

@interface sampleClass <AJNAnnouncementListener>

- (void)announceWithVersion:(uint16_t)version 
                    busName:(NSString *)busName 
         objectDescriptions:(NSMutableDictionary *)objectDescs
                  aboutData:(NSMutableDictionary **)aboutData {
// add your implementation here

Implement the Announce method that handles the Announce signal

With everything linked up using the AllJoyn framework, the method registered with the AllJoyn framework will be executed upon receipt of an Announce signal.

Because every application is different, as a developer you must process the AboutData and determine the following:

Register the AJNAnnouncementListener

When registering an announcement listener, specify which interfaces the application is interested in. The code below shows a listener registered to receive Announce signals that include an object implementing the INTERFACE_NAME interface.

self.announcementReceiver = [[AJNAnnouncementReceiver alloc]
initWithAnnouncementListener:self andBus:self.clientBusAttachment];

const char* interfaces[] = { [INTERFACE_NAME UTF8String] }; 

[self.announcementReceiver registerAnnouncementReceiverForInterfaces:interfaces

Using ping to determine presence

The AJNBusAttachment pingPeer member function can be used to determine if a device is responsive. Contents of an Announce signal can be stale so it may be useful to ping the device to see if it is still present and responsive before attempting to form a connection.

NOTE: The AJNBusAttachment pingPeer method makes a bus call. If pingPeer is called inside an AllJoyn callback, AJNBusAttachment enableConcurrentCallbacks must be called first.

// When pinging a remote bus name wait a max of 5 seconds
[self.clientBusAttachment enableConcurrentCallbacks];
QStatus status = [self.clientBusAttachment pingPeer:busName 
if (ER_OK == status) {

Request non-announced data

If there is a need to request information that is not contained in the announcement (meaning they are not marked as announcable), complete the tasks in the following subsections.

Join a session

Create a session with the application by using the BusAttachment JoinSession API.

NOTE: The variables name and port are set from the AboutData from the Announce method.

AJNSessionOptions *opt = [[AJNSessionOptions alloc] 
initWithTrafficType:kAJNTrafficMessages supportsMultipoint:false 
proximity:kAJNProximityAny transportMask:kAJNTransportMaskAny];

self.sessionId = [self.clientBusAttachment 
      joinSessionWithName:[self.clientInformation.announcement busName]
            onPort:[self.clientInformation.announcement port]
            withDelegate:(nil) options:opt];

Create AboutClient

Generate an AJNAboutClient and create an instance passing in the BusAttachment that was created in Start and connect the BusAttachment.

AJNAboutClient *ajnAboutClient = [[AJNAboutClient alloc]

Create AJNAboutIconClient

Generate an AJNAboutIconClient and create an instance passing in the BusAttachment created in Start and connect the BusAttachment.

self.ajnAboutIconClient = [[AJNAboutIconClient alloc]

[self.ajnAboutIconClient urlFromBusName:announcementBusName url:&url 


Once you are done using the About feature and the AllJoyn framework, free the variables used in the application.

self.clientBusAttachment = nil;